Our Faith

1). We believe in the unlimited authority and divine inspiration of the written Word of God, the Holy Bible. We believe holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, (2Peter 1:19-21; 2Timothy 3:16-17; Romans 16:25-26).

2). We believe in the Almighty triune God; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19; John 15:26; 1John 5:7).

3). We believe that God is love (1John 4:8), and that He gave His only begotten Son to suffer for our sins on Calvary's cross, (John 3:16; Romans 5:10).

4). We believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, came into this world in the form of man (Romans 8:3), was crucified for our sins (Galatians 3:1), suffered the pains of death (Acts 2:24), and was risen from the dead by the glory of God, (Romans 6:4).

5). We believe that Jesus Christ was justified in the sight of God, glorified, and is Lord of all, (Romans 8:29-30; Philippians 2:11; Acts 10:36; Hebrews 1:8). By faith in Him we are justified before God and forgiven of sins, (Hebrews 11:6; 1John 1:9; John 14:6; Galatians 3:26; 1Timothy 2:5).

6). We believe in repentance of sins (Acts 2:38; 3:19), being born-again (John 3:3; 1Peter 1:23), and living holy, (Hebrews 12:14; 2Timothy 2:20-21).

7). We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion (Romans 6:3-5; Colossians 2:12; Acts 8:36-39), which symbolizes our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection; and we believe in the ordinance of the Holy Communion Table (John 6:48-58; Mark 14:22-25; 1Corinthians 11:23-28), which symbolizes our intimate union and fellowship with the Lord and other Christians. Understandably, these ordinances are intended only for the born-again believers.

8). We believe that God gave us a Church government with Ministers to help us learn God's Word and grow in the will of God, (1Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11-13). We believe in Church fellowship, (Acts 2:42; Matthew 18:20).

9). We believe in the spiritual realm. There are mighty angels of God on earth helping us to serve God (Psalms 91:11-12; Hebrews 1:13-14; Acts 12:5-11), and there are evil spirits on earth trying to cause deception, difficulty, and destruction, (John 10:10; 2Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 6:12).

10). We believe in eternal life in the presence of God (Heaven) for the righteous, and eternal torment in Hell (the Lake of Fire) for the unrighteous, (John 5:28-29; 2Corinthians 5:8-10; Revelation 20:10-15; 21:1-8).

11). We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire with the initial evidence of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance, (Malachi 3:2; Luke 3:16; Acts 2:1-4; 10:44-46; 19:6).

12). We believe in divine healing, prophesying, visions, and other supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit, (Acts 2:17-19; 5:12-16; 1Corinthians 12:4-11). We believe that God is pouring out of His Spirit in these days in what is called "spiritual revival, renewal, refreshing, new wine, and the river of God."

13). We believe in preaching with power the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to all people, according to the "Great Commission," so that people can believe and be saved, (Mark 16:15-20; Romans 10:8-15; 1Corinthians 2:4-5; Acts 1:8; 8:5-7).

14). We believe in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the air to "catch away" His saints. This is known as "The Rapture," (Hosea 11:10-11; 1Corinthians 15:50-54; 1Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 14:15-16). Although this long-awaited event may be considered imminent, no one knows in which year or decade it will occur, except our Heavenly Father, (Matthew 24:36).

15). We believe that all worship, honor, and praise, must go to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, (Philippians 2:9-11; Revelation 5:11-14). Everything we do should testify of Him and be for His glory, (1Corinthians 6:19-20; 10:31).