Thank God for His many blessings and victory in the 2020 Presidential Election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are ordained and anointed by God for the President and Vice-President positions, and God will be glorified. With the righteous in authority, the people will rejoice. An outpouring of blessing and favor from the Spirit of God is on the way. It looks like this party is about to get started. It's such a joy to see gladness and relief on the faces of so many people on t.v. as they have been reporting on political events over the last 4 years; the change from stressing to blessing and joy and hope is a stark difference. Whew! We made it past this hurdle. Now we can get to work and fix what needs fixin' and prepare the way for the Lord's blessing on this great land that He has given us. Hallelujah! November 28, 2020
WARNINGS Not anonymous (free book, from July 11, 2020)
... Connecting the dots, spiritually ...
Updated Tuesday, December 24, 2024, 8:30 pm
“Absolution Resolution.”
“Kamala Harris.”
“Nancy Praying.”
“Merrick Garland.”
“This Election!”
“He's terrified.”
“Judgments coming.”
“Harris Surges.”
“This man!”
“Amy Goodman.”
“She wins.”
“Horrific Recruitment.”
“It's Over.”
“Not coming back.”
“Diverse Team.”
“He turned over.”
“Job Opportunities.”
“Kamala Harris and Jennifer Lopez.”
“Best Foot Forward.”
“Sincere Empathy, for the people.”
“A more perfect interpretation.”
“Ridin’ with Biden.”
“José, olé!”
“We’re gonna seize power!”
“Biden-Harris Wins 2024.”
“Joe's 2nd Term.”
“He's just trying to delay.”
“Hunter Biden.”
“If Trump were to win?”
“The Immigrants.”
“Insufferable. Aberrational.”
“The Coronavirus.”
“A Disgrace.”
“He's being Convicted.”
“Dios Nos Ama.”
“Heavenly Court.”
“Heartless Heartland.”
“Life in prison.”
“Listen up.”
“3-D Time.”
“My Darling.”
“Toxic Sky.”
“Let’s be fair.”
“Sweet Sweet Hollywood.”
“Biden-Harris 2024?”
“It’s Over.”
“The Revival Has Intensified.”
“It's the accounting.”
“A War Will End.”
“Step it up.”
“NASA will shock guys.”
“Many Deceptions.”
“He will die soon.”
“Merrick Garland.”
“We broke Donald Trump!”
“The Christmas Spirit.”
“La justicia ha llegado a Trump.”
“He will be indicted.”
“Arc of the Universe.”
“Blue Swing.”
“Advertisers of the big lie.”
“DOJ is holy.”
“Russia Revival.”
“To my family members.”
“Wiles of the devil.”
“Peter moved.”
“It's gonna happen.”
“The Glory of God on America, again.”
“Revival, Science, Vaccine.”
“I’m changing all the American people.”
“Mayor Eric Adams.”
“The gift of CONSCIENCE.”
“Treasures of gladness.”
“America to her knees.”
“God bless America.”
“Obama Prophecies.”
“Absolution Resolution.” Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, 2024, 8:30 pm: “His mercies are new every morning,” (Lamentations 3:22-23). Heaven acknowledges the holiday structures we construct, and the promises we make, dreams we entertain, and the formulas we create to move forward in life. As we judge, we shall be judged, and as we measure, it will be measured. So, when we forgive, excuse and permit others, they are forgiven, excused and permitted to go on freely, and so are we. And if we choose to entertain a certain thing, it will be in our lives; to decline a certain thing, it will be absent. What we give to the Lord will be His, and what we don’t won’t. Let’s make a New Year’s resolution and give Jesus our hearts and full reign in our lives and enjoy absolution from burdensome stuff in our lives.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light,” (Matthew 11:28-30).
On Monday afternoon, Jesus told me, “Tomorrow’s My birthday.” I don’t know why He said it then instead of today, Tuesday, since Wednesday is Christmas Day in 2024. But I started asking Him why He told me that, and how can I respond. “Is there something I can give You for Your birthday? Is there something anyone can give You for Your birthday?” The only thing I could think of is our hearts. When I did so in 1979, it made Him real happy. Make Him happy with your heart today, acknowledging who He is and what’s He’s done for you and for the whole world.
On Christmas morning, 2022, exactly at 12:00 midnight, Jesus told me, “The Spirit is doing His work,” acknowledging that Heaven sees and is directly involved in the affairs of Earth, and uniquely in the Christmas holiday. Please read “The Christmas Spirit,” below.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas. And may God bless us all, every one.
“Kamala Harris.” Sunday, November 17, 2024, 6:10 am: I saw a vision with Kamala in a room with important officials, family, and friends, and she gave a few talks to them, always speaking clearly and with class. She also did some serious praying. I was near her also praying. The room was comfortable and there was a sense of love and strength from a community of people that believe in and support her.
I woke up praying and stayed in bed, then at 6:35 am: the Lord said, “Don’t panic.” This momentous juncture is pivotal but He wants us unshaken as we move forward.
The word “pray” carries a lot of weight, and I don’t use it lightly. Prayer changes things. And, let’s not forget the powerful Words Jesus articulated to me in September 2011, in my “Most Powerful Vision: What Time It Is” (below, here): “All the rules have changed.” “We’ve just changed lanes.” “Win the lost at any cost.”
“WINNER.” Friday, November 8, 2024: A clear vision with the word “WINNER” in all caps popped up in front of my eyes while I was sleeping and it startled me and woke me up. No other images or sounds—only that. I could not definitely decide to whom God was speaking, but by a process of elimination, I had to confidently conclude that it was either me or Kamala; definitely and absolutely not Trump. God would not use that word referring to Trump even if he were to win a toy at McD’s.
It could be me because God may be telling me that in His eyes I am a “WINNER.” That is definitely and absolutely true. Or it could be that Kamala is the real “WINNER” of the 2024 Presidential Election. Yes, I can interpret this as both me AND Kamala, but now I’m sure He meant her. Why? Because my dream in “She wins,” below, had a part that I didn’t mention earlier because I wasn’t sure of its meaning. But I am now.
After I saw her healthy votes in her hands like a pet, I saw unused pulp and juice from a juicer (like orange juice) tossed into a mudpond. I knew something was being thrown out but didn’t know what or why. What makes the most sense to me now is that the pet/votes in Kamala’s hands were nervous because they knew that they were about to be shredded to pulp and thrown in a mudpond. The fact that the media—in real-time, in real life, on real t.v. and YouTube—immediately showed increased nervousness over the 3 weeks following (from October 12 to November 5) confirms that the masses and the media somehow suspected foul play was in play. This dream was God’s heads-up to me that Kamala’s votes will be suppressed and invalidated, illegitimately, and many knew it or at least had the feeling. On Friday, Nov. 8, I dreamed many Blue votes were thrown into rivers, and as I woke up, Jesus spoke to me, “… 30,000; …40,000; …50,000;” (and possibly more). I put that “on the shelf” in my mind, thinking He might show me more. That’s why I don’t publish stuff too quickly; I don’t want to have to eat my words later. As of now, I can’t retract my prophecies. She was cheated, and a real investigation is warranted. Then on Monday, November 11, 2020, I came across this video that seems to confirm my visions and suggest cheating:
Then I found a few more videos detailing how the Election was stolen. My visions came first; they were not informed by those videos.
They had a plan (see “This man!” below); it was cohesive and comprehensive. It worked, and they stole the Election again. Illegitimately. Twice. Musk said it was “easy.” Investigations are warranted. No wasted words or weeks. Please, for God’s sake and America’s.
In July 2020, it was very important for me to publish my WARNINGS Not anonymous, but it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I hesitated many days and God repeatedly told me that I had to do it; there was no one else. In one vision, Jesus leaned toward me and passionately said, “I invested in you!” He meant that all the knowledge and wisdom and anointing and spiritual understanding and supernatural experiences I’d had for decades were to empower and prepare me for such a time as this—to be able to pray and prophesy His divine will for November 2020. And it worked.
After the Biden-Harris win in 2020, I was thanking God for a long time, but just a few days after the Election, I was thanking Him joyfully with my head on my pillow, awake, saying, “We did it! We did it, Lord! We won!...” And He told me, articulately, “I’ll never forget it.” That Word has kept me joyful beyond measure ever since. When I saw and heard the American saints in Heaven singing “God bless America…” (below) that has also lifted my heart beyond measure. And my many visions of how Kamala’s win will positively transform America—with glorious joy at the forefront, and unprecedented numbers of people at her rallies—also confirm God’s choice beyond a doubt.
Trump has no religion, philosophy, ideology, or sense of conscience, so he doesn’t care about the abortion, immigration, LGBTQ, or other issues. He doesn’t care at all but uses those conversations simply to waste the energy of the American people and distract us from what he’s really up to—to have power so he can please his overlords and evade the justice that’s coming to him.
The “math ain’t mathing” is an interesting term. Healthy structures need the math to math, otherwise they’ll collapse. If it’s so with this Election, it won’t work but fall and take America with it. Our pillars are needed to hold us together now more than ever.
Trump was and is disqualified, convicted, and otherwise unworthy of the sacred post, yet he has been able to trump every obstacle and ascend to it via the assistance of nefarious individuals and dark spirits of the highest levels. God said his presidency is over and there is no coming back, but they keep propping him up and trumping God’s will to the detriment of us all. And our authorized officials kept dropping the ball; they slept on the many moments they had to bring him to justice. The image of conflict of interest, optics, finger-pointing and backstabbing (which I foretold nearly 2 years ago in “Many Deceptions,” below) is of little significance. This is a spiritual event about which we must pray with the assistance of the highest of angels, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ Himself. Let’s make Him proud and stay in the fray. Don’t cave in now! Once again our battle cry, “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war. With the Cross of Jesus, going on before.”
“The American Experiment,” “Is over,” as of “Day 1,” (in “This Election!” below), doesn’t have to be a reality. There is flexibility with the things of God. If God pulled for Biden-Harris but was forced to change and pull for Harris-Walz, He can pull for the rightful WINNER if we fight until we win. God is for us because it is His will, but He won’t override our will. Every day in countless events, God is forced to go for a plan B, or a plan C, in the matters of our lives. Why? Because life is like a three-ring circus with all of the ups and downs of a carousel, with so many options and variables and possibilities. We gotta work through them with God overseeing and assisting but not overruling. It’s up to us to pull through to the finish line, and there are rewards temporal and eternal.
As a Prophet of God, I have hereby done my part; please show me I’m not the only one with a spine.
“Nancy Praying.” Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 1:45 pm: I dreamed Nancy was kneeling before the Lord on a high platform, praying, her face pretty and bright, and her tone clear and calm. She turned her head down and to the right where I was kneeling and praying next to her, and encouraged me to continue without wavering (keep my hands folded firmly in the prayer position). And she smiled. We were in the Spirit in the grand presence of the Lord.
I share this holy vision because I feel I need to remind people that we are in a spiritual battle for souls and for the soul of the nation, and I hope to alert us to watch and pray and not pass judgments or offend unjustly by speaking evil of dignities.
Sometime in 1987, I dreamed with the late Assistant Pastor Evorn Kennedy, of Flatbush Brooklyn. She was praying before the Lord and He heard her loud and clear as she came boldly with confidence before the Throne of Grace with her worship and requests. She was ecstatic when I called to encourage her that she is highly favored and heard in the Heavens; and she was excited when she instantly shared it with our late Pastor Rev. Dr. Loretta G. Taylor. Can you imagine? I’ve edified many in similar fashion based on visions and revelations of the Lord. The dream with our Sister Nancy reminded me of the dream with Sister Evorn, so I share it here to show God’s view of her.
People—even religious ones—often share negativity even when unwarranted, but God’s positivity can offset that. When God’s darling women pray, I won’t mess with that. “Touch not My anointed,” (Psalms 105:15).
“Merrick Garland.” Wednesday, November 13, 2024: In “DOJ is holy,” below, the senior worker is Garland. And, though he had no nefarious intentions, it seems he slept at the wheel and permitted the current condition. See “Merrick Garland” below.
In the Japanese classic movie, “Seven Samurai,” one of the fighting heroes was not a legit, qualified Samurai, but in the end was buried among the Master Samurai because in a time of crisis, he stood up to the challenge, fought to the death, and saved many innocents from cruel bandits.
Human history records countless everyday heroes who’ve vindicated themselves by big moves that eclipsed their flawed histories. The Apostle Paul persecuted Christians but made up for his mistakes by positively transforming the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. “For we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ,” (2Corinthians 5:10). What shall WE say when we answer Him and our ancestors?
“This Election!” Thursday, November 7, 2024, 6:38 pm: My comments:
God was pulling for us. A few times between Saturday and the Election, God told me “This Election!” In that same period of time, I heard Him say “Kamala Harris” about 3 times in a positive tone; and I also heard Him say “Donald Trump” in a negative tone. When God revealed it was His will for Hillary Clinton to be President, He meant for 2016, not later. When the false prophets prophesied that Trump would have 2 terms, they didn’t intend it would be interrupted with a Biden term, yet they bent themselves backwards like contortionists, twisting themselves and everybody else into pretzels with all kinds of conspiracy theories to justify their interpretation that he would not have consecutive terms. It made us all dizzy. (They have removed hundreds of their prediction videos, constantly re-explaining what they really mean.) But God’s messages are clear and rarely need so much explanation. So when God said Harris would be President, even though He had intended Biden to be re-elected in 2024, He endorsed Harris for now, not later. If she were to win the Presidency later, it doesn’t change the fact that now was her time. How could God let that happen? Because He gave us all the power to accomplish it and we blew it, just like in countless other matters of life. All of the healthy, sane positives accomplished in the Biden-Harris Administration, and all those planned for the Harris-Walz Administration—with love and joy and positive revival blessings for the people—were gloriously offered for “This Election!” But once again, Trump held America against her will, stood up for the Sacred Office he is unworthy of, and it will be to the tragedy of us all, just like God said about him on October 2, 2021, written below.
Around the time of Biden dropping out of the race, I saw a vision of a map of America standing vertically and beginning to reel and almost fall, as if it was on shaky ground and unstable. Over it, I saw a face that represented the collective American population, and it was looking terrified. I woke up hoping that would not become reality. 3rd week of October, I heard God say, “He can win.” It upset me to know that that possibility does exist. Then I continued having positive visions and dreams showing the other possibilities. So, as with most things in life, God reveals what can happen like this and what can happen like that, and He encourages us to believe in the good and do the right things. He had faith in us, pulled us in the right direction, and showed us His favor on His excellent darling and her flawless campaign. Millions here and abroad, and our lives and lifestyles, are directly affected by the results of this great Election, so of course God and Heaven are heavily invested, but so is the devil. It should not be surprising that evil forces are behind the evil works and wishes, just like I reported several times in the last few years. And it should also not be surprising that our officials have let us down by not bringing Trump to justice from crime to crime to crime, and there were many opportunities to do so. They had their chance and blew it time after time after time, always delaying and denying the due and overdue justice, just like I have reported. The set time came just like God told me solidly without wasting words, yet they never made their final move. There was always another court date and another court date, constantly stressing the nation—both the people and the pillars. The America that was is no more. Let’s see what God will reveal about the future and how we the people respond; the Bible gives us hints that are not always palatable. Tribulation, Anti-Christ, war and discontent, are aspects of the pre-Millennial Reign of Christ, so hold on tight for the ride because the end is glorious blessing of the highest order for those who endure to the end; the sea and the waves (people) roaring, and many losing heart and fainting for the things that are coming on the earth. But shortly after, the devil (the real one) will be bound a thousand years and earth will be restored like a paradise.
My positive visions had great energy with angels surrounding and encouraging me, but God let me also see negative visions as possibilities that we must avoid by voting Blue. He has also said He is with the Democratic Party in a way that He is not with the Republican Party, and that the Church World, too, has collapsed. He is supporting our efforts to keep our democracy, and He has revealed His intention to bring spiritual renewal and refreshing and restore many who have been an obstacle to that. After the Biden-Harris win in 2020, He blessed me to see a beautiful vision of a saint in Heaven looking down to America singing, “God bless America, land that I love…” repeating at least half a dozen times, with me singing along while seeing views of this glorious land. That is written below in “God bless America.” So, obviously, God is with the Democratic Party and the agenda for the people as articulated in the Biden-Harris work and wish. The Republican Party’s wish is contrary to the former like black and white. And with all the levels of power in play with no guardrails is as terrifying as we have been warned for 8 years by people and by God Himself in my many visions. I was not wrong to speak the words from the Lord that He gave me because it was Him speaking to pull for His agenda.
Thursday, November 7, 2024, some time after 10:00 am: the thought came, “The American Experiment.” About half an hour later, the thought came, “Is over.” Then, “Day 1.” If these thoughts are God speaking to me gently, it seems that what we’ve been warned about is upon us. The Bible gives us revelation about the endtime timeline of events, but there are grey areas with latitude and variables and some parts are conditional. I.e. There will be a WWIII but America herself may or may not experience nuclear attacks. Btw, in a couple of history books, I have found God calling America His “darling.” Finally, if President George Washington’s vision about the birth, the progress, and the destiny of the United States is true, it reveals that America will take courage with Heaven’s help and endure: “While the stars remain, and the Heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall The Union last.” The “Union” means “The United States of America.” We will survive with help from Above.
“America, America, God shed His Grace on thee.”
“He’s terrified.” Monday, November 4, 2024, 1:30 am: I dreamed he came to my room worried and nervous, asking about what’s gonna happen, so I told him. “You lost. Even Pastor Mike Bickle, a fanatical follower of yours, has concluded that. Do you know who he is?” He said, “No.”
“Judgments coming.” Monday afternoon, October 28, 2024: One day after Trump’s racist rally in MSG, I dreamed that God seemed angry and on the verge of dealing with a number of evil people for their embrace of the demonic. That Puerto Ricans were insulted and still embrace Trump—gave him yet another pass—also seemed to enrage Him to the point that He seemed to stand up as if He was about to do something.
By calling us “garbage,” Trump dishonored all our ancestors, families, culture, heritage, contributions, etc., and those that still validate him validate that dishonor and throw into the garbage the blessings of God on them. In August of last year, I asked God what He thinks about Christians that still support Trump, and I heard the Holy Spirit say, “A disgrace.” They are a disgrace.
October 2, 2021, God told me that the Latin Race is “Special.” For anyone to call us “garbage” is offensive to God. By agreeing with Trump by voting for him, especially other Latinos, is reprehensible and unforgiveable. It’s a slap in the face to your mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and sons and daughters and grandchildren and cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and ancestors and beyond, including to the Lord Jesus and the angels and the Holy Spirit that bless us all. It angers God and there is a price to pay for that, including great shame on you for the rest of your life on this Earth plane (your friends will laugh at you), and a dark legacy forever. How will you face your ancestors Up There? Even in movies, we often see characters on their deathbeds trying to make amends and fix their past mistakes before going Up. Better to fix stuff before the deathbed.
“Harris Surges.” Sunday, October 27, 2024, 3:15 am: Trance, after praying in the Spirit with “other tongues.” I saw myself with others, pulling with joy and strength for Harris to surge toward the win!
“This man!” Friday, October 18, 2024, 12:10 am: In a captivating trance initiated by the Lord, His presence opened up a realm that permitted me to feel the terror of the Lord with involuntary trembling as He showed me scary views of Trump trying to take over the nation like Hitler. He had troops in all cities, training the youth with manuals on how to infiltrate communities and cities and stop our normal functions, arrest people and perform like the Gestapo did. People sought to evade the invasion and try to leave the country. While seeing these images, I heard Jesus’ voice articulate: “They have a plan.” “They won’t stop.” “This man!” (Trump.) “Disease.” “They don’t really know.” Many people—media, politicians, Christians—don’t really know the evil agenda and how seriously bad it is. (It’s worse than we think.) It’s not just his insanity and unfitness, it’s the enabling of the political machine that enables and uses him. Then the Lord led me to Tim Miller’s interview with Bob Woodward, which I checked out later, here:
I woke up with a sense of despair and hopelessness, involuntarily trembling with fear for what we are faced with in this election time. It took about five minutes for this feeling to dissipate. Sobered, I again asked who will win. Then, the Lord said, “On the ground.” Trump has many followers on the ground. In 2020, He said, “Trump has troops already on the ground everywhere” (in all cities) ready to enforce his agendas, which include: "cities fenced in;" "residents must follow the orders of police stationed with bullhorns;" "foods rationed." Awake, I understood that there is a plan of sorts to try to defy or subvert the Harris win; they won’t stop trying; this man is defiant; he is a disease; “they” (we, the American people) don’t really know how bad this situation really is. Less than an hour later, I dreamed that some are too scared to even want to hear the warnings, though they may appear fearless; and I dreamed that some seem terrified but are actually brave and able to hear the warnings.
“Amy Goodman.” Saturday, October 12, 2024, 11:20 pm: I dreamed Amy Goodman at Democracy Now! was interviewing a guy, and he told her, “You have a radiant glow about you.” She bowed her head humbly and smiled sweetly.
“She wins.” Saturday, October 12, 2024, 10:18 pm: I dreamed Kamala was holding a pet that was fidgeting nervously and anxiously; it was healthy-looking and she had her hands full with it. I believe it represents her voters (a healthy number, and “full”), that are nervous and anxious about the Election. Just after the dream, the television News announced the Democrats are nervous because of the tightness of the race; and that’s been repeated over the last 3 weeks.
“Horrific Recruitment.” Sunday, June 16, 2024: I dreamed there were people being recruited into “Trumpism,” and as I woke up I heard the Lord say, “Horrific.”
“It’s Over!” Thursday, June 7, 2024, 8:49 pm: I woke up from a nap and heard the Lord’s voice shout, “It’s Over!” (He’s been telling me that for over 5 years.) Trump’s political fans are not really all “all in” for him. They’re just playing the game to the very end for political and economic advantage, though they really hate him and the whole deal. As soon as we turn this page, many will say, “Whew!” and look for “Normalcy Street.” If Trump has been disqualified and is incapable of running and is now a convicted felon, he does not deserve the dignity of an election. There will be a terrible price to pay for those in his orbit complicit in his scheme to destroy America. Countless crimes yet uncounted! Under the radar there are big and little cases of swindling, blackmail, money laundering, theft, intimidation, with countless victims national and international. But God will save us and bless us, and our greatest days are just up ahead.
“Not coming back.” Tuesday evening, June 4, 2024: I heard the Lord say, “Not coming back.” I didn’t just want to guess that He’s talking about Trump, so I asked Him, “Who are you referring to?” Then, less than an hour later, He said, “Old Don.” (He called Don “old.” lol)
“Diverse Team.” Monday, September 9, 2024, 3:00 pm. Dream: Kamala Harris seemed to be tagging people to be on her team in the new Administration. It seemed a diverse group will work for her, including many young Whites, male and female.
“He turned over.” Saturday night, September 7, 2024. In the spiritual realm, I heard somebody say that to somebody.
“Job Opportunities.” Thursday, September 5, 2024, 11:00 pm. Dream: On a subway train in New York City, employers offered jobs to some passengers. Job opportunities will increase and, in some cases, they will go looking for job seekers. Back in the day, people said, “You gotta go out there and look for a job. It ain’t a-gonna come to you!” But yeah, there will be times a job will come knocking at one’s door, such will be the opportunities knocking under the new Administration. The blessings will run you over. “My cup runneth over;” (cf. Psalms 23:5). “And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee;” (cf. Deuteronomy 28:2) . These are signs of revival.
“Kamala Harris and Jennifer Lopez.” Thursday, September 5, 2024, 10:00 pm. Dream: As I talked with Kamala Harris, she turned into Jennifer Lopez and I began telling her that she will become instrumental in lifting many lives—into financial prosperity, artistic performance, and brand design. She will be an inspirational symbol and vanguard of wealth creation for many. I think the Harris Administration will cause an overflow of opportunity-enabling onto others, and J-Lo may be one of those catalysts.
2 years earlier, I dreamed with Jennifer Lopez and Charles Latibeaudiere. Thursday, November 10, 2022, 8:50 am: I saw them actively inspiring others in a gym-like basketball court-type auditorium room, and walking in front of a classroom with people. JLo said, “This is a NEW DAY, and those that don’t play (participate in what God is doing) will be moved out of the way,” (figuratively speaking, of course). It seemed like an invitation to participate in some way—“do something”—to enjoy the move of God in this season. And these two leaders were at the top of their game at the very top levels of entertainment and information media, so each of their careers is about to increase more in stature and influence.
“Sincere Empathy, for the people.” Last week of August 2024. Dream: I saw Kamala Harris in a room with a few dozen people, all sitting on sofas and chairs, relaxed, and there was informal conversation. This particular group seemed to be made up mostly of people of color trying to get a better job or career, start a business, get their various enterprises off the ground, and otherwise seeking to improve their lives. None seemed to be millionaires or successful yet. She seemed to listen attentively and to value their questions, concerns, and wishes, and to sincerely empathize with their struggles as she sought appropriate avenues to facilitate their dreams. It convinced me more than ever that she truly is, “Kamala Harris, for the people.”
“Ridin’ with Biden.” Saturday, July 20, 2024, 7:15 pm: Dream: It seemed I was near a beach in a Caribbean Island, like Jamaica, and there were many people, mostly Black, waiting to see who would win an election. (I actually did swim at a beach in Savanna Lamar, Jamaica, while preaching the Gospel all over the island for two weeks in ‘87!) There were a number of potential candidates but only one was noteworthy, in a small car that was ahead of the rest. Eventually, Barack Obama jumped into the race and everyone—with great enthusiasm—jumped in to support and vote for him. His drive in popularity was like a car driving right into the water by many yards, and everyone swam right behind him in support. Few could reach his car but I came the closest, probably because I am one of his greatest fans. In the water with all these supporters (voters), I was able to see past Obama’s car more deeply into the ocean, and saw that the first small car had zoomed way ahead of everyone, having been thrust there by ocean waves caused by the Obama car. At first I didn’t see the small car because it may have been under water for a minute, but it popped up and clearly was afloat and buoyant. Then I woke up and took about 15-20 minutes to arrive at this interpretation: The small car has to be Joe Biden, the most noteworthy one. When Barack Obama decided to enter, his drive drove Biden’s car way ahead so that no one could even come close.
“A more perfect interpretation:” posted on Sunday, July 21, 2024, 11:55 pm: In my prophetic dream above, “Ridin’ with Biden,” the small car is Biden–Harris. The dip for a minute in the ocean is Joe going under but the popup was Kamala being afloat and buoyant. It is inconsequential if I thought Biden himself was the small car that stayed in the race and won. Obama’s support will help thrust Kamala Harris forward to a landslide win so that no one else can come close.
God chose Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris, for His revival blessings in America. Trump was a hiccup and is over (just as my many visions show), and everything else—valid or no—is noise.
That the Lord revealed in my previous dreams that it was His will for Biden to win a second Term, brings an indictment on those that pushed him out. So, in a sense, the small car was supposed to be Joe himself but becomes Kamala, which the Lord could have easily shown me but didn’t because He wanted to point out that Joe was on His mind. But that, now, also becomes inconsequential. Unofficially, a Harris win is a Biden-Harris win and confirms my documented dreams since Spring 2019 of her becoming President. Why her? The Lord has said, “Because everything about her is excellent,” and, “Because I like her the most.”
Note: God and His revelation realms are multi-dimensional and non-linear; our human sensibilities are linear and limited. We know in part, we prophesy in part, and we interpret in part. So when we give our best efforts at interpretations, they still may come short of perfection. And that’s just the way it is with the things of this life. Looking more closely at His Voice, we may find knowledge presented in ways that don’t necessarily adhere to our rules of communication. His ways are higher than our ways, and often are past finding out.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” (Romans 11:33)
In April 2020, an angel told me we are in a New Day and America’s greatest days are just up ahead, and with Biden and Harris at the helm since 2021 it has been so! Let’s believe and pray and thank God for that continuing with Madam President Kamala Harris!
“José, olé!” Monday, July 8, 2024, 6:30 pm. In a dream: I was with a large Mexican family sitting on their floor; the children were happy, smart, bright-eyed, playful and friendly; about 6 of them were mid- to late teens, another 6 were younger. Some of them had electric guitars and sang and played in Church. One of the girls was telling me how much she likes President Biden, then he came and talked with us. He looked tall and energetic and very happy, then sat on the floor with us to talk and laugh. I sat right in front of him and asked if I may make him laugh, and he said yes. I said, “You are among Latinos that love you! José, olé!” He smiled and laughed, then said something about the Late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Then he got up and left. I talked with the girl about what he meant: that he felt the same as Dr. King: that he felt like he’d seen the Glory of God and was not worried or afraid of any man and was joyful and hopeful because of that. Go Joe Go! Let’s continue this Bullish Rally!
“We’re gonna seize power!” Thursday, May 30, 2024, 2:52 am: In a dream, I saw an incumbent Administration win re-election; there will be a “continuation.” I saw myself putting on a black shirt and looking in front of my mirror, then replacing it with another black shirt. Changing scenes, I then heard a voice clearly say, “We’re gonna seize power!” I woke up startled by its impact.
I’m sure it’s Biden-Harris being re-elected in November because God has already shown me that that will happen. Something of Blacks or “Blackness” will figure in the event, again. And “seizing power” means becoming empowered to actually get stuff done, probably by winning both Houses. G-d will enable a “stepping up” of pace so we can continue to move America forward.
It may be that the “turning right-side up” again of the nation that the Lord has had in mind will begin to accelerate. The spiritual brain surgery that is needed for those politicians that have behaved as children that don’t know how to listen may actually become noticeable.
“IT’S COMING!” Thursday, May 23, 2024, 2:00 am: I went to bed for a nap and I had a powerful trance with an overwhelming presence of God. In it, I was talking with a member of IHOPKC that I’ve known for a long time, and I reminded him of the evil that I experienced there, the corruption and sin there, and the judgment coming (which the Lord revealed to me a few times). I reminded him of how they were instrumental in killing my books and ministry nearly thirty years ago, specifically by the actions of James Goll, Mike Bickle, and Rick Joyner, and alerted him to what the Lord told me a month ago, April 2024: “It’s the end of Mike Bickle.” I went on about several “top” ministers and their ungodly behaviors and used strong language declaring about how these mofo’s are so up shit’s creek, and I got to the part about how God’s judgment is coming on all. It was very intense. Back to normal, awake, I heard the Lord say, “It’s coming!” His tone hit me like when He said the same about Trump (shown below), so I was sure He intended to include all these who have offended Him: ministers, politicians, etc. Kittim Silva? Brian Simmons? Bernard Jordan? If “It’s coming” is for all, then, well, y’all fill in the blanks. God bless Katt Williams for his message, “It’s all getting exposed in 2024” but God has His own message for 2025. Some have invented a “project 2025,” but God has His own version of a PROJECT 2025.
“Biden-Harris Wins 2024.” Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 am-ish: Dream: I dreamed that Biden-Harris won the November 2024 Presidential Election overwhelmingly. It seemed there was first a big ruckus challenging it, but after the landslide win, it was too obvious, so the uncivil protesters had no significant voice. They were not structurally-deficient brainally, necessarily, but had a rigid posture that would not change. They mostly wore black clothes, had many weapons (including heavy-duty military ones), and included many White women. They seemed bold but isolated for their extreme posture, and were unable to permeate the larger masses that were calm and content by far. And the normal masses found them disdainful. Many that were against Biden-Harris accepted the Election results and were content to do so, and an amazing calm permeated the American people, including former enemies. The extreme rigid ones maintained their threatening posture but were unable to bring disruption. Things will calm down after the Election, and the move of God—the Great Outpouring of the Spirit of God that this world has ever known, which began in January 2021—will continue to move forward under the Biden-Harris Administration.
“Joe’s 2nd Term.” Tuesday evening, April 30, 2024: Joe Biden seemed to go between the tops of two tall buildings (like the former WTC Twin Towers), skipping in the air from one to the other. Then the Lord said, “They’ll accept that he won this time.” I think “tall” means “high” and “prominent;” “two” means “two terms;” “skipping” means “light” or “easy;” “in the air” means “spiritual” (with God’s help). People accepting that he won means there won’t be so much denying as in 2020.
“He’s just trying to delay.” Tuesday evening, April 30, 2024: The Lord said, “He’s just trying to delay.” Obviously, it’s just Trump trying to delay the justice that’s coming to him. The tone is that it is coming to him.
“Hunter Biden.” Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 2:10 am: In a Trance Vision (one with a heavy presence of God), I saw Hunter Biden come to visit me in my apartment in Brooklyn with questions about prayer and spiritual stuff. He seemed sincere, innocent, and guileless, and took on the appearance of a young man, Ray Bodine, that I have known and mentored since 1994. God has always shown me that Ray is a true saint, and that he is without guile. I was able to explain that he is carrying a blessing from God whether or not he realizes it. We often don’t see it or feel it but heavenly stuff resides in and walks with us and helps us do what we gotta do. He sat relaxed on one of my very comfortable chairs that I found in a nearby park, indicating that he was comfortable talking with me, and we talked about my prophecies. Then I offered to pray for him, and for his dad, President Joe Biden, who is also carrying a unique blessing from God. I said that I have been carrying a prayer burden for them even when I don’t think about them or articulate the prayers because that’s one of the ways that prayer works—we carry dynamic mechanisms automatically both consciously and subconsciously. Then we went to the living room to pray in front of my Mom, who is in Heaven with the Lord. She seemed oily and aglow, as if warm candles lit the room. Then Hunter lit fire to my written prophecies that we had discussed, because that’s another way that prayer works: I gave him ardent affirmation, and he returned the same.
“If Trump were to win?” Sometime this past Fall, in 2023, I dreamed of what could potentially happen under another Trump term: America had seriously declined, maybe fallen, through a number of policies that decimated our economy and our foreign relations. Millions of jobs were lost, many businesses closed, houses abandoned, social events including entertainment and commerce ended, and few people were seen out in public places. Malls closed, ghost towns became prevalent, sadness was everywhere, and people mostly stayed at home with little to do and with little hope for the future. It seemed worse than the 2020 lockdown. Then I saw a small group of our top political leaders inquiring about why this was allowed to happen. They asked a few of the Justice Dept. officials, and one replied with something to the effect of, “We wanted to make sure we dot EVERY i and cross EVERY t in our investigations.” (Emphasis mine.) This means that the scrutiny of every dot and tittle was too meticulous and too lengthy to our detriment. Everything that Trump touches dies as he follows the script put in his hands. He—that “Pretty boy, Blonde”—has committed the deadliest sin with severe consequences, and our leaders must save us asap.
“The Immigrants.” Oct. 2, 2018: Jesus said, “The children are coming.” Immigrants are coming and God intends blessings for them here: the “American Dream,” etc. Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024: The Holy Spirit said to me (verbatim), “Unfortunately, many will be forced to return to their native lands.” It is “unfortunate” that “they will be forced” because He opened the opportunity for them to come here and establish new lives here. So much political noise going on—deportation, a wall, housing, jobs, benefits—but God wants them here. He is looking toward their future and ours.
“Insufferable. Aberrational.” Monday, January 15, 2024, 2:25 pm: In a dream, I saw a few powerful politicians talking about Trump saying that the depth of his legal woes is insufferable, and that the amount of the lawsuits against him is also insufferable. Meaning: he is insufferable. January 2024: I heard the Lord say, “There must be accountability.” Later, I dreamed with Trump and heard, “It’s coming.” Monday, Feb. 19, 2024, 9:00 pm-ish: Upon waking up from a nap, the Holy Spirit said of Trump, “He’s incapable of running.” “Anti-gay.” “Aberrational aspirations.”
Monday, Feb. 19, 2024, afternoon: Dream: Tribulation increased, and food prices increased.
“The Coronavirus.” In 2020, the Lord revealed that Putin and Trump were behind the Coronavirus in some way, and that Trump opening up the nation prematurely in Summer 2020 caused the death of the America that was: June 28, 2020, 2:37 am: “...he decided to open up America, and it has destroyed the whole country.”
“Harris-Raskin?” Over a year ago, around early 2023, I saw Kamala Harris and Jamie Raskin in a dream walking into the future of America. Might he be VP?
A Disgrace: Sunday, August 27, 2023, 10:49 pm: While walking in my kitchen, I was thinking about Pentecostal Christians that I have known for decades that still support Trump. And I heard the Holy Spirit say: “A disgrace.” Imagine God calling you a disgrace.
He’s being Convicted: Sunday, August 27, 2023, 5:10 pm: In the spiritual realm I heard a few people talking, and these words were articulated clearly: “…Trump… Conviction…” “He’s being convicted.” I had been watching trading videos and funny videos for a few hours and wasn’t thinking about that, and the unprovoked audible message was so clear, so I didn’t try hard to determine if this was from God. There was no doubt. On December 31, 2022, I heard the Lord Himself tell me: “45 has been disqualified,” (now it has become a big conversation); and, “A jury will convict,” (now it seems more likely than ever).
Dios Nos Ama: Friday, August 25, 2023, 5:05 pm: While walking in my apartment, it instantly “dawned on me” why God spoke to me in Spanish what He told me on Sunday, December 4, 2022: “La justicia ha llegado a Trump,” written below. It is because He wanted to say it in the language that resonates the most, that hits home with His Latino people, as evidence that He feels us, empathizes, and is with us. When politicians, businesspersons, educators—anyone—really want to connect with a community, they learn and speak their language. By saying it in Spanish, God wants the Latino community to know that He connects with us, He is with us, He loves us. In fact, we—Puerto Rico, Mexico, and other Latino countries—can look forward to immense blessings in the years to come.
Heavenly Court: Friday, August 11, 2023, 9:20 pm: In a dream, The Church Leaders were before a Heavenly court being evaluated and judged; many passed alright, some rewarded and some disciplined. I found myself very disappointed with what I have seen in the churches for decades and left. It was almost as if I wiped the dirt from off my feet never to return to them, and found a new, younger generation of people that will be my audience. Jack Smith completed his work and was productive.
Heartless Heartland. Thursday morning, August 10, 2023: In a dream, I saw Donald Trump standing in the middle of a wheatfield in the Heartland of America (Kansas). He was wearing what farmers wear, blue jeans, straw hat, plaid shirt, and was chewing on a wheat straw and looked very relaxed and comfortable. That’s how his followers see him—as one of them.
Then I saw the word “Immigrant,” and it seemed like it meant that immigration will be stopped as soon as he can stop it—as if it was the first thing on his and their agenda. It was as if it was the enemy of the “real American.”
I understand this to mean that at the core of the current great national racial divide is the fear that many Americans have—that immigrants will come from afar and occupy “our” land, “our” privileges, “our” blessings of prosperity. This dream simply showed what many of us already know: racism is fear of the other, and many are willing to abandon all morals and ethics and religious rules to protect at any cost what they believe is theirs. It is a primal fear, so it is powerful and able to dismiss all guardrails of sanity and normalcy and spirituality. This fear has reared its ugly head because the classist racist structures are coming down, so it is like Satan’s last harrah. The devil acts up before being toppled.
I have written about my political canvassing work from 2018 to 2022, and how I did not find any normal Republican that could talk normal. They were always angry, enraged and loud, and seemed volatile and almost violent. They never made sense and were always closeminded, always raging about immigrants more than anything else. “Those people coming over here taking our benefits and privileges…!” My job was to engage Democrats to vote for certain candidates for a range of offices, but whenever I did come across a Republican, it was always an unpleasant experience; and I spoke with over a hundred. Even Christians that know me have changed their tone and ideology, and I can’t talk with them either. So when I say they have all lost their minds, I’m not exaggerating. Even the Lord said they need brain surgery.
We are at the end of the Church Age; the Church World has collapsed; sociologic, psychologic, political, economic, and religious conventions have collapsed. We are in a New Day and—with both positives and negatives—we are about to see a whole new world with new land, improved race relations, and healthier immigration policies. Some of this was supposed to occur with a Hillary Clinton Administration but was trumped. After the 2020 reset, we have bounced back and will continue to move forward with the blessings of the Lord among us. As for religion and church, it is a mystical phenomenon anyway. I hang with God every day, and haven’t been to church for about 15 years.
He is Detained: Thursday, March 23, 2023, 7:35 am: In a powerful supernatural dream, I saw many police lined up as Trump was arrested, handcuffed, perp-walked, and arraigned. It seemed like New York City. It is essentially done now, though we may or may not see it all play out like that literally. Then the Lord said, “He is detained.” He may be walking around like a free man, but he is already detained even if it doesn’t look that way.
Sunday, August 6, 2023, 5:58 am: The Lord clearly spoke, “Life in prison.” He could’ve said, “Life in detainment,” or “House arrest,” which would basically still be “like a prison” to him, but He knows that if He uses the word “prison,” I would take it as literally that. So I do take it as literally that. I think God knows that anything short of literal prison would not satisfactorily satisfy America’s cry for justice. And He wants to satisfy our need to see justice here. Real justice.
In my attempts to not go ahead of what God actually says, I have not said he will go to prison up to now because with all that I’ve heard in 7 years, I hadn’t heard this. Though I did dream he was “behind bars” in my vision of June 9, 2022, shown below in “THIS IS THE BIGGIE.” That could have been figurative. Now, I’m confident He is being literal. Also, for the weight of this earlier vision, I have not taken the liberty to share this until now:
Thursday, June 22, 2023, morning: Several “top men,” including Republicans, absolutely decided he needed to fall; they placed him and some that are in his circle, in a large room with heavy metal walls, closed a heavy metal door, and ignited a nuclear bomb inside the room, thus annihilating him and those with him. I clearly saw him in torment while burning in explosive fires. In another vision about a year ago, I saw that same image of him in torment while burning in hellish explosive fires. When people say that someone is “toast,” this is why. I understand the gladness and laughter people will enjoy as they see justice brought. I, however, am still in pain for the whole matter. It is too big of a tragedy to laugh and rejoice right now. Maybe in a year or two.
Orange jumpsuit, chained hands and feet, tin toilet—whatever prison looks like, it will be justice, and it will satisfy the American people when fittingly served. The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad.
Btw, on June 19, 2023, I dreamed that there are a couple of “shitty rats” trying to be President. I wouldn’t play with that. That is holy ground, and it should be approached with a holy attitude and with God’s blessing.
(Posted on August 3, 2023, 10:25 pm): On Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021, 3:00 am-ish: The Voice of the Lord visited me and said, “Listen up.” A few minutes later, He said (verbatim):
“He held America against her will…”
“He stood up…”
“To the tragedy of us all…”
“‘Pretty boy’—blonde…”
Over the following 2 years, He spoke articulately and told me, “He will be indicted,” “45 has been disqualified,” “A jury will convict,” “Justice has come to Trump,” “We broke Donald Trump,” “It’s over,” “YAHOO!” “He will die soon, ya pronto.” Over 200 dreams, visions, and trances on this matter, and millions of America’s tears of pain for what he has done, and here we are. Actions have consequences. Justice matters. Mic dropped. Page turned. Meanwhile, there’s dancing and rejoicing in the streets and America’s greatest revival ever is happening right now! The Lord is doing great things for us and it is like a dream come true.
“3-D Time.” When looking at a timeline of events, we see a linear trajectory drawn as a straight line from left to right, with dots along the way showing something that happened at a certain time. Biblical endtime events show approximately 2,000 years of the Church Age, unprecedented spiritual renewal/revival, 3 ½ years of Tribulation and 3 ½ years of Great Tribulation, the Millennial Reign of Christ, etc. Scholars try their best to understand and delineate for us exactly what will happen and when, but are not completely certain what events will occur, when and in what order, and how those events will look. A basic look at their best guesses is helpful, but I want to point out that several narratives, a number of trajectories, can overlap and occur simultaneously. God is multi-dimensional, and His ways are past finding out. Every time He gives a Prophet a vision, it kinda blows his mind because it reveals something he didn’t know or understand, or it shows him something in a new form.
In recent years, God has revealed to me that we are at the end of the Church Age and in the greatest outpouring of His Spirit—revival—that this world has ever known. This revival will continue for about a decade or so, so like everyone else, I’m not clear on when “The Tribulation” period will begin or how it will look or who will be in any political office or what our society will experience. But… around the third week of July 2023, I dreamed we were at the beginning of the first Tribulation period. The introduction of this idea to my thinking about what time it is kinda blew my mind because it challenges the idea of our current revival. “Revival” and “Tribulation” at the same time?? Yes, the end of the Church Age is occurring with good stuff and bad at the same time; birth pangs with troubles and tribulations at the same time as glorious Heavenly favors and miracles. We will never understand the whole picture—His ways are past finding out—but we can jump into His hands every day expecting Him to keep us from falling or failing, and believing for a blessing as we await His next move.
Friday, July 28, 2023, 2:30 am: Spiritual Dream of concern: Older politicians need to back off of trying to abuse their access to try to take advantage of Vice President Kamala Harris and her kindness, being a newcomer to D.C. They may “change,” “after the election.” Hmm! Then the Lord Jesus spoke to me and called her, “My darling.” (If she is His darling, I’d be very careful.)
Israel. Monday, July 24, 2023, 8:20 am: The Lord opened up a realm and I heard Him say a few things about Him visiting Israel. He mentioned a Thursday (a symbolic Time Frame), and then a Friday (another symbolic Time Frame), and it will be like a “Christmastime” of festivities and blessings, especially the Friday. He specifically said, “It will be in a Time Frame,” meaning at a set time in the future.
(Note: I know nothing of the politics of Israel, and I don’t follow the calendar of events or holidays of Israel, and I have not had Israel on my mind. Visions like this simply come to me at God’s discretion. I don’t know how it will play out but it was obviously a very positive vision.)
Toxic Sky. Saturday, June 10, 2023, 4:30 am: On the day of the indictment, the New York sky was more hazardous to our health by far than at any other time in our history. I think it’s a notable sign from God that our orange sky became toxic in the very moment that Trump (“orange”) fell. The orange one fell hard and his fumes made a show. (I don’t usually go by signs in nature like this, but this one fits. Last year, on June 9, I saw a vision with Trump falling and exuding toxic fumes as he diminishes.)
Monday, May 15, 2023, 1:30 pm: I dreamed that there were miracles sporadically occurring at some “junctures” and people were very blessed. Then we waited for more miracles and I saw what seemed to be brain surgery occurring and a person or persons experienced a miracle of fixing; it was a magical work that could not be manmade. Then I heard the Lord say a few things, including (verbatim), “…and that our policy initiatives should be fair and just and equitable…” (He had opened the brain and spoken these and other things to the mind.)
We were traumatized by the pandemic; we were turned up-side down and shaken; we were brought to our knees and shown our flaws. But we were promised to be turned right-side up again and anointed with New Oil for this New Day. He told us we would be blessed in ways unprecedented in the world’s greatest revival ever. And He said that revival began in 2021 and would increase over this decade and restore many to sanity. A spiritual kind of brain surgery seems a most fitting part of the work of the Lord in this juncture so that we can produce policies that are fair and just and equitable, and otherwise act normal—no longer like children that don't know how to listen. This is a part of the awaking of conscience and changing the American people that He told me about 2 years ago. If in an instant we lost an incredible amount of Christians for a liar and a lie, we can in a day see them restored and saved. If parents know how to find clever ways to check their children, the Lord can, too.
A couple of hours before this dream of miracles, I dreamed that an extreme maga woman that I know was putting on a full-body pink dress. It was long from neck to ankles and she was happy. I think this means the dress turned from intense red-hot to a delicate pink in reflection of her mean mind turning cooler and happier—a result of the miracle in the brain brought by the Lord. Without Him, there is no conscience and no sanity.
In Jesus’ time, many religious and political hypocrates refused to accept Truth and be saved no matter what they heard and saw of the visitation of God in that season, but many did embrace the salvation offered, and the Glory of the Lord flooded the nation. I think we can expect to see the Lord save us from ourselves and continue moving us forward because He’s not through with us yet. God bless America.
“Sweet Sweet Hollywood.”
Posted on May 1, 2023, 6:00 am: Sometimes I get dreams with Hollywood celebrities. In recent years, I have seen these with the sweetest, kindest hearts (in alphabetical order):
Steve Carell, Jimmy Fallon, Michael B. Jordan, Kim Kardashian, Alfonso Ribeiro, Chris Rock, Snooki.
“Biden-Harris 2024?”
Monday, April 24, 2023, around 10-10:30 pm: Various Dreams: DeSantis tries to go into communities to campaign; he also tries to sign up to campaign for the presidency but is told (by an invisible, authoritative female entity) that he needs to go the route of “46.” She says that about 2 times, clearly, “46,” (the 2nd time louder). “Sit at seat 46 over there.” He gets frustrated and drops his head onto the table where he was sitting at. I think this means he needs to yield to and support Joe Biden, the 46th President of the U.S., now and if he is re-elected. If DeSantis becomes the Republican nominee in 2024, and if he wins the presidency, “sitting at seat 46” would not make sense; it would say “seat 47” instead. It suggests there is no 47 (win) for him. Also, that she said “46” twice may mean Biden will have 2 terms, the 2nd one possibly “louder.” This is my first dream of a possible 2nd term for Biden. The invisible authoritative female entity is likely the U.S. government, whose mechanisms facilitates and helps us navigate the political posts. Simply put, it is possible Biden will be re-elected, and possible DeSantis won’t win.
“It’s Over.”
Sunday, April 23, 2023, 10:37 pm: I woke up and thought about how many more steps are needed before the whole Trump phenomenon is really over, and I heard the Holy Spirit say, “It’s over,” at 10:37 pm. I turned on the t.v. to NCIS and within a few minutes, I heard LL Cool J say, “It’s over,” to a criminal suspect he’d just caught, at 10:41 pm. In the realm of the spirit, it is over. Now the rest of the show is just the playing out of what God said. Things occur in the spirit before they manifest in natural, practical reality. “Yahoo!” Within a few more minutes, He told me, “Live your life.” It’s been a hard day’s night and I’d been praying like a dog non-stop for years. Now I can have a little relief. Since it was the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit that said that, I asked for yet another confirmation. The t.v. scene wasn’t enough for me; it was a nice confirmation, but too small and could have been just a coincidence. Then…
Monday, April 24, 2023, 9:30 pm: I heard God’s voice: “…as his presidency Is Over...” A minute later: “…as he is being investigated…” “…go ahead and…” In spiritual activity, we are blessed if we can see a vision or hear the voice of God in fragments, if not in whole sensible messages. With the latter, we can move forward with more clarity and confidence, as well as with more responsibility. In the former, we are left with the work of unfolding what He is trying to tell us. In that event, we can proceed to interpret carefully, or just wait until He reveals more and helps us piece it together. So far, based on previous words from Above, it seems He is saying Trump’s presidency is over permanently—no resurfacing of the sunken thing. So, even as he is being investigated and brought to justice, let’s go ahead and live life; let’s don’t keep holding our breath and denying ourselves the joy of living our lives to the fullest simply because of the news that seems to hold us days without end.
Yes, let’s keep praying. Yes, let’s keep pursuing justice. But this news from Above shows us God’s take on the matter so we can enjoy life and embrace the revival He has enabled.
“The Revival Has Intensified.”
Sunday, April 23, 2023, 5:50 am: I dreamed that the revival is intensifying noticeably. Recent revelations: April 10, 2020: God’s greatest spiritual revival on Earth is imminent. January 20, 2021: the revival has just begun. January 2022: the revival is increasing (people sitting while receiving the Holy Spirit). April 23, 2023: the revival is intensifying noticeably (people standing while receiving the Holy Spirit). We are in a major spiritual boost. If the revival began with the Biden-Harris Inauguration, and will intensify, it implies it will be with the same Administration, not with another.
Spiritual activity, including revival blessings, occur both inside the church world and outside in secular society. In the church, speaking in “other tongues” and shaking and quaking and falling under the power of the Holy Spirit is a valid biblical experience. It is not required and is not a part of every religious community or church doctrine or experience, but it is historically a part of God’s work among His people. When it occurs, people may be gripped with His love and peace and joy, or with His correctives. In the latter, the fear of the Lord overtakes a person to an extent that they may cry or even scream as a “holy terror” falls upon them and they are overwhelmed with a sense of guilt for their sins. When sinners come running to “salvation altars” at an Evangelist’s call, there is usually some degree of this. At more extreme levels, people sense the wrath of God and feel the need to cry out for mercy and forgiveness. They turn from their sins and change their lives for the better.
The late Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin used to call this an “Old-fashioned, East Texas Brush Arbor Spell,” because Christians in Texas early last century caught this “spell” under brush arbors when out preaching and praying in public. I call it an “Old-fashioned, South Brooklyn Wooden Floor Spell,” because the spell often occurred in unadorned Pentecostal churches here in Brooklyn. This touch of God and its results are good and glorious, and often omit the terrible scary part, but every couple of decades or so, the feature revisits. We tend to forget that God is holy and that it is a fearful, terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. In those times that He reminds us, His gripping touch can make us feel like we are about to die and face the Judgment Above. Well, folks, get ready because this dynamic modus operandi of God is about to visit us again. It is perennially a part of religious revival culture, and it is needed now in our time; it will be a part of the re-awakening of our conscience, a turning right-side up again that He spoke about 3 years ago. Many so-called religious folks said “No” to the visitation of God here in America in recent years, so God is inviting us, again, to say “Yes” this time. We are in a New Age, since 2020, and we are in need of a refreshing, of anointing with “New Oil” to enter this New Day. Many millions will enter, and many that said “Yes” long ago, even as a child, will return. Fear not. Our Heavenly Father is among us and will restore the old bonds. The Circle will remain unbroken.
We are in revival! On April 1, 2021, while talking with the Lord, He made it clearer than ever to me that politics and legislation can enable the reviving of a people. Church people understand "revival" to mean the Holy Spirit touching people and blessing them with salvation, healing and miracles--spiritual stuff. But I began to understand that it could be political activities, too, since the Lord was referring to ObamaCare (a legislative initiative) when He told me back in 2009 that it would be a part of America's greatest revival. It will include the spiritual blessings, but we must acknowledge that the political activity now is the beginning of America's greatest revival ever, according to the angelic message I received on April 10, 2020. Yes, the party that the Lord said He was going to throw has truly started and is intensifying. Thank you Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. God bless you and God bless America.
Then on April 2, 2021, in a dream, I was talking to Republicans, clearly and simply, trying to enlighten them to truth and normalcy, but they just couldn't listen and had smirks on their faces; it went in one ear and out the other. I got discouraged and left, saying, "Republicans are like children that don't know how to listen." (As a political canvasser from 2018 to 2022, I knocked on many doors and spoke with many people and can’t remember speaking with any normal Trumper; they were always so under a spell that they didn’t have ears to hear truth.)
After the dream of the revival intensifying, at 6:00 am (Sunday, April 23, 2023), in a supernatural dream, I saw my Mom, who is in Heaven, reminding me about how it was back then, last century, when many wept with remorse for their sins on the carpetless church floors when they were gripped with the fear of the Lord, touched with terror in their repentance experience. It was serious back then, and very scary. People dirtied their clothes under the pews for hours and didn’t care; their only concern was the Heavenly visitation and the divine desire to repent and get right with God. It’s nothing new; it’s the same thing God did in the Old and New Testaments, and in countless instances in visitations of God around the world throughout history. In the dream, Mom showed the Circle of our family. In Heaven, we will be There—the family Circle unbroken because as children, we made pacts with God, and those bonds are not forgotten.
In this dream, I was enjoying this scary terror of the Lord that Mom was reminding me of, because I am familiar with it and welcome it and invite others to it. Mom was very serious and almost terrifying with what she was saying about the “terrible touch of God.” When I saw the Circle, which looked like it was made of a strong metal, Mom was inside it. I saw Ruthie and asked if she wanted to enter this dirty floor experience with God and have this pact, and she said, “I did that long ago, when I was a little girl.” To me that means she is a part of the Circle that will remain unbroken in the Sweet By and By. I went toward Mom inquiring about Naomi and a presence from God came through Mom and stopped me because she was already next to Mom; she is Mom’s first child and loyal friend and Mom’s got her. I didn’t see Carlos because he, too, made a pact with God as a child and always walked with faith in Him, leading to becoming a Minister of the Gospel. So, no worries for our Circle. As we die and go up, worldly things drop off us and the eternal becomes clearer and clearer as we approach God in the Holy City Above. Rewards are ours as merited, and a whole new world is open to us with no more toil and no more pain or sorrow; no more sickness and no more death, and we’ll have a reunion with our loved ones that have gone before us. Our rewards will reflect our works but the concerns of this life are no more, except that we will pray for those still down here. We see Heaven afar off and are persuaded of that City and seek it by faith, not seeing it. And we are promised that we will not be ashamed of that hope.
Enjoy: “When we all get to Heaven” and “In the Sweet By and By”
God’s love for us cannot be measured.
Tuesday, April 4, 2:30 pm: “It’s the accounting.” Can God speak using a double entendre? Yup. When will Trump be held accountable for his crimes? Well, it appears the “Set Time” has come because he just faced justice. I was getting ready to go to the supermarket and at 2:30 pm I heard the Lord say, “It’s the accounting.” I said, “Accounting? What’s that? Is He referring to my food list and budget?” I’m trying to figure out what He means. Then it dawned on me that the accounting for Trump’s crimes is what’s going on today, April 4. The arraignment in Manhattan is the accounting that we’ve been waiting for. This is the accounting! Hours later, I learned that the proof of his crimes is in the accounting ledgers. So there you have it. The evidence is in the accounting records, and the accounting for crimes is occurring. If God said it, then this is a solid event one can bet on. That it’s a double meaning shows the cleverness of God and His exactitude. Over 6 years, and we are finally seeing the beginning of the dissolving of the toxic fumes.
In the courtroom (at the same time God spoke to me), Trump’s voice was weak and powerless, as the Lord showed me it would be. Angels and saints, invisibly, also attend justice matters; that’s why the venue often sees terror and conscience grip defendants. God is the Judge of all, and His rules and laws bend toward justice. Ultimately, we shall all stand before the Judgement Above and give account of the deeds done on this plane. No worries for good people. “Yahoo!”
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 9:00 pm: In a dream, I saw that a war that is occurring right now somewhere, will end by diplomacy and civility will begin and nurses (healing) will enter and begin. I didn’t see any names or dates and couldn’t determine who was in conflict, but I saw concrete and dirt with great tracks caused by tanks that had broken the grounds. A narrow border was approached but movement stopped there and an agreement began. The tank tracks were at first bold and wide but became crooked as if thwarted, then stopped at a narrow juncture. Then civilians (politicians and nurses) assembled and began their work. There was a pamphlet with a plan roughly arranged, and it seemed to be stapled crudely with crooked staples on the margin, as if it will hold if handled gently. A paper with prayer was also stapled over the cover.
Thursday, March 9, 2023, 7:42 am: In a dream, I saw these words exactly:
“‘The Democratic Party needs to step it up…’ G-d”
God Himself signed the statement because He is The One that made it. I’ve seen many write “God” like that, with a dash instead of “o” but I never have, so this confirms to me that this is truly a message from God; it’s a way of acknowledging His holy-ness more profoundly. God Himself, in a really holy tone, is saying that the Democratic Party is slacking in something(s) and needs to pick up pace. It could be regarding discourse and rhetoric and other work for the November 2024 Election, which is quickly approaching. (Many are saying we should announce and praise the Biden-Harris accomplishments more loudly.) Or it could be about bringing Trump to justice now, because in the spiritual realm, justice has already caught up with him, he has already been disqualified from running for office, he already is destined to be convicted for his crimes (according to my other visions, written below). So as we act in those processes, the results will be what God has revealed they will be. Stepping it up can also be in certain specific legislative initiatives that—right now—are a real possibility.
Three days ago, Monday, March 6, 2023, 2:25 pm: I dreamed I was watching my computer screen where something was still when it should have been moving, but there was a Bullish sentiment behind the still image. I woke up and heard the Lord say, “Duct tape.” I think this means He is not allowing us to see or hear what is going on behind closed doors but that there is indeed a pursuant sentiment. Duct tape can make something silent or still, so the seeming silence and stillness that we, the general public, are seeing, can be the slow pace the Lord said y’all need to step up. The vigor of the other needs to be challenged by our own renewed fire in the belly. God is saying He is on our side, so we need to move quickly on the strength of that. The windows of Heaven are open and our window of blessing is now.
Five years ago, June 2018, Jesus’ voice spoke articulately in my ear: “You have a year.” I didn’t know what He meant and struggled with that until, in 2019, Covid-19 came about and right into 2020, the whole world changed in countless ways, and there’s no going back to that Age! In April 2020, His angel told me, in a most clear voice, "We are at the end of the Age." That means we are in a new Age; and He has placed us at the helm of the new and enabled us to move forward boldly in saving democracy, the planet, essentially the world. No time to sleep as we establish new blueprints for the new and next generations. Once again, He is saying, “You have a year.” Next year, the way the world, the planet, and democracy go—forward or backward—will be determined, is in our hands to determine. Let’s not let the time slip away because in an instant, we will wake up and it’s November 2024. God gave us a “Blue Swing” in November 2022 so that America can continue moving forward; He will use us to turn the nation right-side up again; the Republican Party has destroyed itself; and America’s greatest revival ever is right now.
He is with “us” the Democratic Party. That’s what He wrote and signed with “G-d.” We can fly with that!
I encourage everyone to read again my “WARNINGS not anonymous” above, and my prophecies below. And keep in mind I’m not politically-oriented and don’t make up any of these things. God actually does speak these things to me just as I say. My only motive is love.
Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, 7:22 pm: In a dream, I saw these words pop up clearly: “NASA will shock guys.” The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration will soon shock us, guys. Beyond “just balloons,” something will really surprise us. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a balloon? Is it a football? Is it just my imagination? I would guess people will be buying telescopes and binoculars more than usual. Will the surprise be good or bad? I only saw the above quote, so I don’t wanna guess that. It could shock us how many there really are or were, or what data they collected, or whether their intention was more than just surveillance.
Friday, Feb. 3, 2023, 9:30 am: “Many Deceptions.”
In a dream, I saw many people with political power being disloyal, breaking friendships and promises, backstabbing, lying, and deceiving. This may be the norm already, but there seemed to be an acute spike in the immediate moment. Watch your backs; sleep with one eye open; pray the Lord to keep you from falling for the tricks of the enemies. “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him,” (Proverbs 16:7).
Friday, Feb. 3, 2023, 8:15 pm: I woke up and heard, in the realm of the spirit, someone say, “Pursuant.” It means “in agreement with; according to; pursuing (like a follower or prosecutor)." It made me think that there is definitely still a pursuit for justice. We can’t hurry it. Hold on! We’ve just got to wait! Shit!
Blessings, all.
“He will die soon.”
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023, 12:30 am: I lay down to sleep around 11:15 pm Friday night with my mind on the Lord, and I tangibly felt the Holy Spirit’s presence hovering over my body, so I knew He might give me a message. There was a holy silence in the air. For about an hour, I enjoyed a few meaningful dreams, the most important one this: At 12:30 am: In a dream, I heard Lisa Marie on some radio from above, say, “_____ will die soon.” So I went and told someone, “He’s gonna die soon. Ya pronto (‘Soon already’).”
So, all his talk of 2024 and all kinds of stuff means nothing. It’s all just a bunch of bs and it’s been so. All his destructive discourse and rhetoric running on a death system, hence the craziness! The “titanic” is sunk and many still subscribed to it, surrounded by lifeboats with space for rescue. Only a fool would think it could resurface. So sad.
I must continue believing there will be “an awaking of conscience,” as the Lord showed me in January 2021. He said He is “changing all the American people,” and that He has “taken over the world,” and that He will “turn us rightside up again,” and “then the Glory of the Lord will come down on us in history’s greatest spiritual renewal ever.” This is where we are in time, so get ready to exhale. The “New Day” that began 2 years ago has yet to see its apex that is immediately before us, so don’t cave in, folks. God is in control and America is moving forward with His blessings. Keep on trucking knowing that your work is not in vain in the Lord. Hold on. The best is yet to come!!
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023, 8:30 pm: Vision: I saw Merrick Garland explaining the meticulous work he is doing that is taking so long to accomplish, and it seemed he was doing a perfectly appropriate job, and that he was the right person for the job. He was passionately defending his work and assuring us that he is doing his best. So, as we ponder God’s clock and the clock of due process, we can believe he is on the right side. No more thinking that he is unfit or in Trump’s pocket or any other childish notion.
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023, 10:22 pm: Vision: Merrick Garland was on the passenger seat of a large 18-wheeler truck that stopped for a moment, and I asked him to exit and I sat on the seat and slid it back to make more room, closed the door, and put on the seatbelt, and the driver drove forward. I woke up and heard, “He represents tragedy.” I think this means that as much as he is doing well by “dotting every i and crossing every t,” the disappointment many are feeling has created an image of a tragic disappointment, and that image had to be removed. The large truck took new energy and continued moving forward. I think we will see that as of this coming week. If the image of conflict of interest is of concern (which is why he appointed Mr. Smith), then the image of mass disappointment is also of concern, and the combination of these two visions suggests Garland’s work is great but needs to take real momentum; and we need to see that momentum.
Finally, I asked the driver of the truck to stop by this large restaurant club so I can step in for a moment, but I was disappointed that it was at less than 10% capacity, at a time of the evening that it should be filled and lively every day. I think this means that America should be partying more, enjoying the many benefits of the current revival of blessings under the new Biden-Harris Administration, but the American people are simply not exploiting the time because of the dreary depressing disappointments. Again, we are at the end of an Era and at the beginning of a New Day—we’ve just changed lanes—and it is a festive time. It will be a decade or two before a new season begins, so let’s not waste the time on trying to fix everything perfectly and please everybody. It’ll never happen. Even Jesus couldn’t do that. We will see real festivities increase when Trump is indicted, convicted, and disqualified from holding office, all of which the Lord has said will happen. Our sacred institutions will be vindicated. And the nations will say, “The Lord has done great things for them.”
Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022, 4:50 am: The Lord said: “45 has been disqualified." Later, at 8:16 am, He said, "A jury will convict."
Friday, December 30, 2022, 7:45 am: “We broke Donald Trump!”
I dreamed I was at a graduation at Brooklyn College. While I walked around the campus reminiscing (since I graduated in 2007), I went through the auditorium where the ceremony was taking place and heard a young man, either the valedictorian or the master of ceremonies, say, “We broke Donald Trump!” as part of the celebratory theme. Everyone shouted in celebration.
Spiritually, all who have worked in some way to bring him to justice have just graduated, and are still graduating as we see the event unfold. Investigators, prosecutors, law persons, writers and speakers of truth, and persons of prayer—everyone that helped move him toward accountability—all are seeing and are going to see a graduation of some kind in their lives, an elevation on God’s elevator. You have earned the bubbly; you deserve a drink and a break today. Conventional elitism has been called out. Racist, classist, elitist structures have begun to collapse, and now every ugly ideologue has been humbled. The pretty mugs, the ugly mugs, those above the law, the complicit, the corrupt pastors and lying prophets, the stupid idiots making up stupid shit, all are shamed for supporting the insupportable, for calling evil good, for turning a deaf ear to the thousands of warnings from God, for the outright rebellion from truth that was constantly in our faces for over six years. It’s too late to feign ignorance. History has set in stone the choices we have all made. Ding Don the witch is dead! Thank God it’s Friday! His truth is marching on! Happy New Year! “YAHOO!”
"The Christmas Spirit"
December 25, 2022, 12:00 midnight, Christmas morning: The Lord told me, “The Spirit is doing His work.” Every Christmas, many Santas are dispatched by the Santa Claus spirit, translating into angelic spirits influencing people all over the world to give gifts generously—material gifts, but mostly invisible, spiritual gifts like kindness, friendliness, and love. The fact that this is an immense global social phenomenon with many positive results means this is more than a human undertaking; it must be of a more Heavenly nature.
Heaven has angels that cause countless phenomena on Earth, and the Christmas magic is one of them. As part of the larger Holy Spirit, Christmas is an angelic Spirit that distributes its blessing, its influence, in the form of Santa Claus—not just the many thousands of Santa Clauses that work as human representatives all dressed up and entertaining people, but as a Santa-like spirit of generosity, mercy, forgiveness, and reconciliation that everyone can enjoy, including adults. When someone says, “Come on, lighten up, it’s Christmas;” or, “Forgive me, please, it’s Christmas;” or, “Give ‘em a break, it’s Christmas;” it often works because the Spirit is at work. The Holy Spirit takes on many forms to perform His work of spreading love in countless ways, and He does so especially in those seasons that humans have constructed for the facilitation. So if I am justified in having a strict way with my employees, I am encouraged to lighten up from time to time, from season to season, such as at Christmastime. I may be a bit of a “Scrooge” usually, but not at Christmastime.
My point is that Christmas is not only acknowledged in Heaven, but initiated there. And we can enjoy something of that always, in any season and circumstance. Christmastime begins with Christ. The Holy Spirit is doing His work in a unique way today because it’s Christmas.
A couple of hours after the message from the Lord, I saw on the news that there is a lack of Santa Clauses going out to entertain people. Especially since the pandemic, it is increasingly hard to find the performers to be a Santa Claus, though it is an increasing demand. It is one of the wonderful phenomena of Christmas to have a Santa at a public event to make the kids laugh, give out gifts, and overall bring joy to all. Covid concerns, economic concerns, and other concerns, are making it hard for people to want to play Santa, and the need for the magic is greater than it was pre-pandemic. So it becomes more meaningful that the Spirit of the Lord indeed is doing His work in a unique way today because it is Christmas.
Merry Christmas, everybody. And may God bless us all, every one.
Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022, 6:45 pm: I was awakened by a voice that said, “La justicia ha llegado a Trump.” Meaning: “Justice has come to Trump.” I don’t know why the Lord or an angel would say that in Spanish; no doubt it is meaningful to the Latino community. “YAHOO!”
Since 2018, the Lord has shown me that justice was closing in on Trump; he will fall hard; he will be brought to justice. On June 9, 2022, (in “This Is The Biggie,” shown below), the Lord showed me that “Now is Trump’s Judgment Day.” This evening, He tells me “Justice has come to Trump.” I would guess this week will see something significant regarding this, certainly this month and through 2023. There’ll be celebrations with laughter and dancing in the streets! No more stress, anxiety or frustration about justice taking so long. The page is turning slowly but excellently.
“He will be indicted.”
Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022: While sleeping, I heard these words in the spiritual realm:
11:27 pm: “He will be indicted.”
11:38 pm: “Dec. 28,” then a minute later: “Dec. 13.” (Something will happen around these dates.)
11:45 pm: “Yahoo!”
There was no image or mention of who this refers to, but several hours earlier, I had been watching videos about the new Special Prosecutor and what his work entails. So, I think these “words” speak to that.
Can these be produced by one’s subconscious wishes? Yes, however, it’s not likely that one with my amount of knowledge and experience and understanding of these specific kinds of things might simply invent them—it would be a stretch to call it wishful guessing.
God is real and He does speak, and He does reveal things to His servants the Prophets. And I, for one, don’t have a history of making stuff up. My history shows many accurate prophetic revelations fulfilled, so I would bet on me—all for the praise and Glory of God and not for the praise of me.
Indictment? It’s gonna happen. Possibly next month. Everybody now—“YAHOO!”
“Arc of the Universe.”
Since learning about how the markets move based on divinely-created geometry and trigonometry, I have come to believe everything moves based on the same. Then, in 2018, I dreamed a specific spiral-based geometric Vortex tool, that I’d been analyzing the Forex markets with, reveals divine justice (spiritual equilibrium). When the Price Action candles hit the geometric lines (Support or Resistance or Time Targets), there will be a unique event, a change in behavior of some kind. When there are no lines, the candles move more freely. In some cases, candles can rally spectacularly but when they hit a line of Resistance, they can drop bigly until they hit a Floor of Support. If justice, in the spiritual realm, also moves within divinely-set geometric parameters, then we can’t hurry it; we’ve just got to wait.
So the phrase, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” is not just a figure of speech. It’s a real arc in space that has to square with time.
It seems others of life’s events may also depend on geometric figures. Legendary Singer Diana Ross sang, “You can’t hurry love, no, you’ve just got to wait.”
The Bible says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Also, “I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work,” (Ecclesiastes 3:17).
First week of October 2022, the Lord told me: “There is a Set Time for Trump to be brought to justice.”
Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022, 1:05 am: I dreamed that I saw “NBC News” on a t.v. screen and they were singing: “Blue Swing…” with a few lines of lyrics about the midterm election indicating that both Houses will remain “Blue.” It was a positive tune, and the last line sounded like a statement with the voice of Jesus: “So that America can continue to move forward.”
GOD IS POWERFUL! When His Spirit touches us it’s not just to bless and heal us, or to make us dance and shout in other tongues. It may also be to arrest, empower, stun, or stop us in our tracks. Consider how King Saul and all his soldiers became paralyzed by a “deep sleep from the Lord” when David took his spear and water, (1Samuel 26:12).
Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022, 4:20 - 4:45 am:
Since I regularly journal my prophetic visions and dreams, I have a list just waiting to be posted, and I carefully consider which ones to share and explain, and I take my time with it. In recent weeks, I’ve been feeling God lead me to go ahead and publish the following, even some things that are scary. Yesterday, in a trance, the Lord most clearly showed me He was moving heavily within me to produce and publish the revelations, so I rushed in my thinking to do so and reviewed the content. All day yesterday and last night, I felt the urgency of the Holy Spirit to go forward with confidence, then after 4:00 am this morning, a very stunning trance overtook me and, in the vision, angels started to shake and wave my arms vigorously in the air, for about a whole minute. Awake after the trance, the Holy Spirit stunned my whole upper body and started to open my mouth for about 2 whole minutes. He forced my mouth open, moving the jaw around until its joints were cracking and stretching like it never had before. And my tongue was forced to wiggle and extend freely. Yes, it hurt, and yes, I loved it because I absolutely understood that it was the Lord, and that He was simply confirming His instructions to prophesy what He has been telling me, and enabling me to do so as if from a Heavenly mandate. It was a Heavenly mandate. The arms waving means to get attention, and the mouth open means to prophesy.
For a few years the Lord has been telling me that no one else is prophesying the truth like I am: “You’re the only one.” In all my searches since 2016, I have not found anyone else prophesying the truth like I am. They are all liars—not 100% but just 99.99%. Syndicated and independent media—both secular and religious—have been baffled over why all the Christian prophets have subscribed to big lies and missed it with regard to political prophecies recently. So, if God has invested the real deal in me for over 40 years, you’re in trouble if you deny the truth He has given me to share.
It’s like if someone said to someone, “It’s like this guy has been under the dirt for so long so that no one important ever even heard of him, but he knew he had to dig himself up out of that that seemed like a grave. He got out and was determined to get the message sent. He had a Divine Mandate to prophesy this, yes putting his life in our hands, yes putting his life on the line, yes trusting that God can trust us. But whatever the cost, he knew he had to reach us. And he did, and it influenced the narrative.”
So, folks, I require every reader to tread with the utmost caution what I am prophesying, which is not in chronological order.
Yes, I am a holy man of God speaking while moved by the Holy Spirit, (cf. 2Peter 1:21).
The Future
Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022, 1:15 – 1:35 pm-ish:
After praying in tongues and battling some demons trying to hinder the revelations, I was able to penetrate the spiritual atmosphere and receive this:
1. “God gave the music to the Blacks.” I think it means: Whites generally follow and desire to imitate the Blacks’ music, but the Blacks generally don’t follow and imitate the Whites’ music. A month later, Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg perform at Super Bowl 2022 half-time show.
2. “Cops can’t just search you without just cause, or without a warrant, or without your permission.” New measures are gradually forcing them to follow due process when approaching people and asking questions.
3. “People can’t just come and take what they want from you.” It will become harder for them to do that, as the mafia does with small businesses that they say they’re protecting so they have to give up their money, like in Denzel Washington’s movie, “Equalizer.”
Since God said that He is “Changing all the American people,” and that He has “Taken over the world,” I’ve been wondering how that will look, and when. These 3 articulate messages from the Lord help me understand how He is aiming to improve our society. Music is a big deal and Black people are largely at the helm in running that part of the show. Police reform will occur and it will be harder for Cops to perform injustices at a whim. And people won’t be able to rob, extort, or plagiarize others as easily as they do now.
If I were to write a forecast of what the world will soon look like, it would include these and other improvements that can encourage us to know we have good days to look forward to. Yes, the judgments of God are upon us; yes, bad people will do bad things; yes, Anti-Christ and 666 are before us as the powers of the heavens will be shaken so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain; yes, our faith shall be tested to the umph degree. This transitional slither of time between the end of the Church Age and the beginning of the New will doubtless be dynamic and colorful so that many will wish to not be around, but the glorious hints of the upcoming 1000-year Paradisal Age will show up to sustain our faith, and he that endures to the end will be saved. All inside a few short decades, God will bring a great revival (which has already begun and will be getting greater), America and the world will see major changes (social, political, economic, religious), many will be swept into the blessings of the revival (and many backsliders will come back to the Lord), and, ultimately, the great controversy between good and evil will reach its apex then be resolved.
Yes, in 2020 He came quickly, as a thief in the night, just like he said He would. Now it is up to us to decide whom we shall serve, what team we will subscribe to. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. The consequences of each and every one of our choices nowadays are eternal. So watch yourself very carefully. Jump onto Team Jesus. Not church, not religion, not dogma. Just the Lord Jesus, the Friend to the friendless.
January 2021: In a vision, the Lord showed me we will still have elections over the next 2 decades. He said, “Then the beginning begins,” meaning that then, around 2040 to 2045, the beginning “of the end” begins. The beginning of the end of what? Well…
About a month later, February 2021, He specifically articulated verbatim, “The nation will begin to fall in 2042.” That troubled me a lot, and I thought, “What will that look like?” “Will there be major or minor signs before 2040?” “Will it begin slowly and unnoticeably for a few years from 2040, or will it be instantly noticeable from that year on?” Since He had told me over a decade ago, “Go ahead and enjoy the last moments of humans on earth as we know it,” I thought we’d better try and enjoy the party that God is currently throwing while we still can, since it surely will be brief.
Then I thought, “Does He mean that 2040-ish will be the end of the world, or close enough to it that we won’t want to be around?” I worried about that for a few weeks.
Then around March 2021, He said, “It’s not the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new world.” So that gave me some relief. But during the early months of 2021, He did say, “20 years,” about 2 or 3 times. A major change will occur in 20 years.
Later, in December 2021, He showed me a vision of earth covered by the Coronavirus, and that it was scripted by man so that people, especially the American people, would become so tired of it and frustrated that one will be able to rise to power by promising to “Clean it up.” The virus won’t be as intensely destructive as it has been since 2020, but will remain by intention because, among other things, the promise to “Clean it up” will persuade people to support this individual and he will take office in 20 years, probably by election because the vision of Jan. 2021 showed that elections will continue for approximately 20 more years. I’m not sure about elections after that but it certainly seemed clear that at that juncture the beginning of the end would begin—the nation will begin to fall into decline in some ways. When I woke up from this powerful trance, Jesus told me, “Now you understand.” Emotional, I said, “No I don’t understand. I don’t want to understand…” Then, soberly, I reviewed all the details of this vision, and felt as if He was placing the last, or almost the last, piece of the grand puzzle of the end-time timeline of events, what the future holds. “Now” I should understand more fully than ever, what time it is. About 3 or 4 days later, He told me, “You understand.” And I had to say, “Okay.”
The Bible says God won’t do anything without first revealing His secrets to His servants, the Prophets, so here I am. Are there other Prophets with other pieces that will cohere here? There’s gotta be but I don’t know any. The many that I have met and heard and read and seen on t.v. for 40 years have all proved disappointing. Every few months I do another search on YouTube and still can’t find anyone trustworthy, so far. The fact that they are occasionally accurate on some minor things is not impressive. I would be so happy to acknowledge and point out someone that has a valid contribution to our puzzle but I just can’t name any. A few years ago, that would be hard to believe, but since “they all missed it” regarding the events of 2020, everyone now knows that they—even the best scholars, authors and orators among them—proved politically-motivated liars. I don’t have to try to convince anyone of that.
Here is one exception, though: November 7, 2020, 6:20 am: I heard the voice of the late Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin prophesying. It wasn't very clear but he seemed to be saying that elements of Trumpism will remain and eventually cohere with a new force in a new, successful way. He seemed to be pointing about 20 years toward the future (2040 to 2045), and implied that "Then the beginning [of the end] begins." I was able to look out the window, which was a little less than halfway open, suggesting that we do have a window of time to enjoy; and it was daytime with pleasant weather. Meanwhile, I'm expecting the outpouring of revival first.
But let’s not dwell on the details. Like I said in 2020, from Point A to Point Z, everything in between is noise even if valid. We’ve passed A, we’re headed to Z, so let’s go ahead and enjoy these last moments of this Age, and jump into the grand, glorious party that God is throwing, which will intensify over the next few years.
Advertisers of the big lie
Wednesday morning, Oct. 19, 2022: In a trance with a heavy presence of God for several minutes, Jesus told me a few things, including: “Advertisers will die.” A few moments later, He said, “Somebody’s gotta die.” He sounded very serious. Awake and trying to interpret that, I was trying to understand why “advertisers?” Which ones and why? A couple of hours later, I remembered that over the last 2 weeks, Jesus spoke to me twice: “Election deniers.” Whenever I heard that, I wondered who he is referring to; which election deniers is He referring to, and why is He mentioning them. The message was incomplete. But when I put those words together, it made perfect sense. Some election deniers will be dying. They are causing destruction with their discourse and it has become unbearable. Now more than ever, God is blessing, and it’s not time to be His enemy. Those who curse and counter a move of God (a spiritual revival), invite judgment on their own heads. He said, “Somebody’s gotta die.” Wow.
The November 2020 “election deniers” are many—some deceived and misinformed, some for the sake of political benefit—but the top “Advertisers” (promoters) of the “big lie” that have an evil agenda (to install their choice no matter what) are going too far (with the help of Satan himself, according to other visions). And Jesus said of them, “Somebody’s gotta die.” Some of them will be dying soon and they will be of note, and their death will be of note.
God wields a two-edged sword—He can both heal, and kill. Consider Nebuchadnezzer in Daniel 4, and Herod in Acts 12, both of whom were specifically targeted and struck by a holy one (an angel) that came down from Heaven specifically for that task. God is targeting certain ones similarly, according to my vision.
There is a popular saying in the Spanish churches: “Con Dios no se juega; con las cosas de Dios no se juega.” That is, “With God you don’t play. You don’t play with the things of God.”
DOJ is holy
First week of October 2022: “The DOJ is holy.” And, “There is a Set Time for Trump to be brought to justice.” In a supernatural dream: The DOJ was like a boxing ring, and Donald Trump was fighting with a young, strong DOJ worker. The DOJ won, but a community of powerful invisible people gave the win to Trump. The real winner was disappointed, so I went to him and spoke in his ear, “The Department of Justice is a holy entity.” (That means that God oversees it, so it gravitates to justice.) A senior worker sitting nearby, relaxed, smiled and said, “I heard that.” That means they know God is in charge. In a previous vision in March this year, I saw that the Oval Office is a sacred space, and here I see that the DOJ also is. I imagine that the whole U.S. government is a holy enterprise generally. The recent snag and lull is a corrective pause that will cause America to be better when she bounces back.
Also, I dreamed that President Biden, looking tall and strong, oversaw a major economic boost in America. Trump was placed in a booth-like box; his irritating voice was powerless. Note: When Cain killed his brother Abel (in Genesis 4), God Himself put a mark on his forehead that everyone—consciously or subconsciously—will recognize what he has done and that God Himself will deal with him.
The DOJ is a holy mechanism; crimes and injustices are marked; we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give account of our life’s work and deeds. The consequences are eternal.
Centuries ago, prolific Bible Commentator Matthew Henry wrote, “God has wise and holy ends in prolonging the lives even of very wicked men… and warns us to stifle the first risings of wrath.”
Russia Revival
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022, 2:00 pm: In a dream: A large ocean or sea far from here became frozen and people were able to skate and ski on it; it was a good thing. Under the ice, some creatures, especially a certain kind, were able to thrive and somehow brought a major boost to the economy. There were many thousands neatly tied together, and they seemed to be red and needing oxygen, and were drawn upward by long cables toward the surface to get oxygen. A black whale lay limp at the surface. Big billions of dollars worth of product came about from the ocean. I woke up and thought about where is this. The thought came to me, “Siberia.”
I think the ice means a chilling, freezing effect will occur and stifle the hot war; Putin is the black whale that will become powerless and limp, and the red creatures are the Russian people that will be lifted by lifelines in cadent array and be given fresh life, oxygen. The result will be an improved economy and overall condition—essentially, a revival. This completely agrees with what the Lord showed me about Ukraine, beginning in February 2022, noted below.
Early September 2022: I dreamed that the Coronavirus pandemic was diminishing and people could largely do what they were doing pre-Covid. There was a lingering sense that the future cannot be determined at this point, but things are definitely better. A week later, President Biden says the same on t.v. As a pandemic requiring mass quarantine, yes, things are better—we don’t have a pandemic like in 2020. We do need to stay watchful against the virus and its variants because it’s not completely gone.
Last week of October 2022: They were warned.
I kept asking the Lord how can I warn people about the threats to our democracy caused by the “big lie,” almost as if they haven’t been warned. And He clearly told me, “They were warned.”
Sometime this past Summer, I saw this vision: Very soon, there will be a significant increase in people of color in politics. In business and other areas of endeavor also, but I saw mainly political offices.
Spring 2022: 2 or 3 times, I heard a voice say, “Kathy Hochul.” I think it means she is God’s choice.
Mid-October 2022: I dreamed I saw the name, “Herschel Walker.” Then I saw the words, “Big trouble.”
Friday, August, 26, 2022, a warm greeting to my family members. You all know how Aunt Edith & Monchin prayed for me ("Tony") when I visited Florida late in ’78 and how I became a Christian a few months later when I was in Hawaii for 10 months. And you all know that I worked in the Post Office for 3+ years and quit that job to seek the Lord with prayer and fasting and Bible study, and that I preached the Gospel for many years and wrote several books. All my Christian walk and work has been blessed and resulted in my ability to see accurate visions and prophesy at the highest levels for forty years. I think you all know that, so you should be blessed with the prophetic insights that the Lord has given me over the last few years, which I wrote here.
Read the “WARNINGS Not anonymous” (pdf) first (above), then the prophecies below, which are published mostly chronologically. When you consider the dates of political events reported in the news, and the dates that I forecast them, it should convince any sincere seeker of truth of the veracity of my prophecies and hopefully adjust your opinions of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, of me, and of what God really thinks about all of us.
The Bible preaches to us strong words, but we accept it because it is our spiritual sustenance. We endure the lectures of the Lord because we know it will save us from error and from evil. So let’s endure the strong words from the prophecies that God gave me, even though they may not be what we want to hear.
Bendiciones todos.
P.S. There are several visions that I have not publicized, and some involve the future. I’m not politically-involved or biased but God just shows me stuff without me asking; never my opinions but always God’s messages. For years, I would see a vision, and the next day or soon after, it comes out on t.v. Please let the Lord educate you and change what needs to be changed.
Love and Blessings from Avenue of Puerto Rico (a.k.a. Graham Avenue), Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, where Abuelo Rev. Frank Vazquez began our clan.
Sunday, August 21, 2022, 9-9:30 pm: When the Lord told me that we are learning about the “wiles of the devil” through the J/6 Hearings (on Sunday, July 24, noted below), He meant that what we are seeing of how Trump lies and deflects and changes stories and seizes narratives, etc., and of his threats, bullying, denying and delaying, is the work of the devil who influences him. The Bible tells us to not be ignorant of his devices. Many captivated by Trump’s & the devil’s spells are innocent victims, and they must be set free. The astute observer will learn of the enemy’s tricks so as to not fall victim and be deceived. We should view them as lessons for avoiding the pitfalls of life, for walking circumspectly, and for discerning motives, whether good or evil.
Rites to create religious evil, secular evil, and spiritual evil, have been performed at the highest levels of earth (i.e. specific houses, mountains, etc.). Thankfully, the Lord has given us authority in the Name of Jesus that is of the Highest Order, above every name in all realms, in Heaven, in earth, and under the earth.
“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,” (Philippians 2:9-11).
The world is upside down but won’t stay that way. When God turns it right-side up again, in the mid- 2020’s, there will be an awakening of conscience and a return to sanity. God ain’t gonna let the devil win.
My peeps, please take care of yourselves. The Lord hath need of thee. God ain’t through with you yet. You will be anointed with fresh oil. There’s work to do. I can’t do this alone. You’re still a young man and woman. Papa’s got a brand new bag! Jesus Christ is coming to town, with gifts, rewards and blessings!!! Good times just up ahead. The best is yet to come.
Thursday, August 18, 2022, evening: In a powerful vision, I saw: A very bright image was on a t.v. screen; I looked closely at it and a voice said, “Peter moved.” The bright light broke through the screen, breaking the glass and causing chaos like WWIII, with large fiery explosions occurring everywhere, beginning with North America (Canada and the United States). I took pictures of it with my cell phone and showed it to Donald Trump, saying, “Look what happened!!! Look what you did!!!” He bowed his head in guilt but with no remorse. Then people all over the world, especially North America, started collecting their most important items, jumping into their cars with family members, and driving frantically away from cities, much like in the movie “War Of The Worlds,” where there is mass panic. Huge explosions were occurring as if from nuclear bombs.
This is a warning about what can potentially occur as a result of illegal sharing of classified documents. It was clear that Canada was targeted first, then the U.S. more dramatically.
The vengeful attitude that has no care for life is a clear and present danger that knows no bounds.
What does “Peter moved” mean? Based on a concept known as “the Peter Principle,” Donald Trump was moved up a ladder where he was incompetent—a post so sacred that he was unworthy—and the result is the [potential] end of the world, certainly the end of the world as we have known it. His presidency blew the hell out of our societal norms, and also many of our personal norms.
Sunday, August 14, 2022, 9:30 – 9:50 pm: Various dream-visions: Witchcraft was done at Mar-A-Lago; a dozen more raids coming; news reports of the [figurative] “death” of Donald Trump. Many crying “No!” “No no no no!” “No no no no no no!” ………… Also many celebrations.
Saturday, August 13, 2022, 8 – 9:00 am:
An angel came to me. We talked a little and he said:
“They’re not appreciative.” He meant that people don’t appreciate me and my revelations.
“It’s too late.” He led me to listen to the Carole King song a few times and said that it’s too late for them to try to cozy up to me with apologies.
“They’re going to stand frozen in shock!”
When God lifts me before the eyes of the world, youse are all going to be ashamed of how you all dissed me; your mouths will be shut and you won’t be able to say a word as God vindicates me and shames you. All of you. ALL OF YOU.
All of who??
All. Of. You. Church people. Family people. All kinds of people throughout the nation who threw me for Trump.
(If there are exceptions, youse know who youse are.)
Then the angel left and I cried lots because I tried since early ’16 with no success to tell the Word Of The LORD! Always on deaf ears. Youse don’t deserve me.
Referring to God's true saints, the Bible says, “…of whom the world was not worthy.” (Hebrews 11:38 )
Now that your esteemed Evil King has fallen hard and is no more, and you are forced to admit that David’s prophecies were all true, what can you say? I don’t wanna hear it. It’s too late. The angel said it. Repentance, remorse, contrition? Go to God, not to me. It. Is. Too. Late. The angel said it.
The nation and I will celebrate this New Day of revival, but many have forfeited their part in it. There are severe consequences for our choices, and for throwing God’s message in the garbage.
Saturday, August 13, 2022, 12:13 am: Dream: It included here in Brooklyn but seemed it was in cities across America: Men and women late at night, even after midnight, started partying publicly, and even woke up their children and brought them to local parks to celebrate Trump busted and being brought to justice. There was shouting and dancing in the streets.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 1:00 pm-ish: I dreamed Trump was being questioned by Justice and his responses, over a dozen, were like Fibonacci numbers that were small and feeble and flawed, yet they all would eventually add up to a fitting calculation of guilt. From the time that the questions began, it seemed nothing could stop the truth from coming out, even though it seemed like he was not “in jail.”
When I woke up, I thought up this joke: “His crimes are so insanely irrational, even Fib numbers didn’t work but ran away from the series.” But eventually they would add up in valid sequence because all things cohere based on those divinely-designed ratios, just like a pineapple’s tessellations must manifest exactly as we foresee.
Sunday, July 24, 2022, 12:30 – 2:00 am: Visions: Get ready to be happy; get ready to exhale; get ready to laugh. Take courage because justice is on its way. All the bad guys will be found out. I don’t care if it’s a pretty blonde or an ugly mug, every one of them that has spoon-fed Trump lies and evil ideas will be found out and shamed, and their legacy dark. Their children and grandchildren shamed, too. The wiles of Satan, who also is in the mix, were exposed by the committee’s revelations. I also saw: A fireman with a hatchet was going from house to house to make sure every fire has been put out. Then, the Lord said, “Up the ladder.”
It’s coming soon, it will be like a dream come true, it’s gonna happen.
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 6:35 pm:
From 2016 to now, I’ve had over 100 dreams, visions, and revelations from the Lord about Donald Trump, all bad, some very bad.
Since 2018, the Lord showed me he will be brought to justice for all his crimes, which are innumerable. On December 13, 2018, the Lord showed me he will fall hard.
More recently, I saw this:
March 3, 2022, 6:05 am: A divine voice told me, “Something good is going to happen in America soon.” I don’t know what but it might be Trump being brought to justice.
Saturday, June 4, 2022: I saw a vision of Trump on hands and knees crying hysterically, “Ahhh, what have I done!”
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, pm: The Lord said, “Before the weekend.” I don’t know what that means but kept thinking Friday is weekend or beginning of weekend, so before that has to be Thursday, today. Something is going to happen today, or beginning today. I think it could be the hearings.
Thursday, June 9, 2022, 6-8:00 am-ish: I read some of the prophecies I’d gotten from the Lord over the last few years, then prayed in the Spirit (in other tongues, with the power of the Holy Spirit) for about half an hour, then the presence of God overcame me in bed and I tossed around in prayer with visions and saw this:
8:20 am: I dreamed Trump was in a cage behind bars, sitting and sad, with a goat just outside and watching him.
A few minutes later, I dreamed my Mom (who is in Heaven) and I were with an angel watching t.v. and the news announced that Trump was finally arrested and brought to justice. I was so excited I almost went to the window to shout the news to the public, like Michael Cohen encouraged, just like in the movie “Network.”
A few minutes later, I dreamed I was in an abandoned building that has many rooms and doors and all kinds of junk, as if it had been destroyed. Two dogs threatened to attack me but they were more scared of me than I of them. They were Trump and Putin; they were both weak and sickly and powerless. I climbed and navigated my way out of the building through a large window that had no glass or frame, and the sky was bright and clear. In bed praying past 12:00 noon, I saw this vision: The name “Donald Trump” was written in Black and White on some base, and green smoke (toxic fumes) swirled and emanated from it and slowly evaporated. Meaning: the poison that he is dissipated.
Amidst these, there were about 2 or 3 more visions that I forgot.
Awake and amazed, I started to weep and wail for the pain and death caused by Trump, and for the joy of the justice he will face. He killed America, over a million people, our democratic pillars, our economy, our morale, our lifestyles… He has committed the deadliest sin, and will face severe consequences.
He was supposed to be driven from office long ago and not allowed to run for re-election, but his enablers forced him upon us.
None of this is me; all of it is prophetic revelation from Jesus Christ Himself.
This all convinced me that today absolutely is the judgment day and Trump will be arrested and brought to justice “now”—any moment now.
These insights from God say “now” because in the realm of the Spirit time works differently than our linear temporality. Prophecy often says “now” though in practical reality it is often later or much later. So, as of tonight’s beginning of hearings (“before the weekend”), justice has caught up with Trump and he is up shit’s creek as of now, according to the Holy Spirit. Eventually, he will also face the divine judgment from God. This is a very good thing that will happen in America soon.
Go ahead, Garland, show all that bulletproof evidence. Thank you for doing the work of the Lord. Heaven is right upon us and the angels are ministering and monitoring it all. Our ancestors, forefathers, and saints are praying and observing and documenting everything.
Thursday, March 3, 2022, 6:05 am: “Something good is going to happen in America soon.” Remember, “we are in a season of the miraculous” and in “a great revival” because Jesus said, “I’ve taken over the world.” He told me these things over a decade ago, and they are now happening. So, the Trump confession, the Russian machine broken, something good in America, are still before us, hopefully not too far off. God reveals things to His Prophets before He does them; the timing is often not revealed.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 11:25 pm: Shocking! Astounding! Unbelievable News Flash! “Donald Trump will admit he was wrong to ascend to the Oval Office.” The layers of lies he’s been telling will collapse in an instant. After a vigorous day at work, I went to bed after 8:00 pm and, of-a-sudden, this vision popped into my head like a breaking news headline. A newsman came on t.v. announcing that Donald Trump just admitted that he was wrong to take the Office of the President.
The imagery was like this: Donald Trump was leaning on the ledge of some balcony looking at a wall of bricks he had laid on an adjacent ledge just a few feet away from where he was. There were about 10-12 layers of bricks but they were not cemented. He moved as if to stand up, and they began to almost fall over onto the street below, but he very quickly ran and caught them and forced them all to land inside the balcony floor, and not outside it. So if anyone would walk below, no one would have been hurt.
I think this means the “un-cemented” layers of lies and attempts at setting an unsound structure will almost topple onto people, but his confession will stop the potential disaster. Yes, his deeds have had disastrous consequences already, but this was a notable act nonetheless.
When President Joe Biden showed up at an intense news conference to comment on the matter, he didn’t instantly speak; he waited in silence for about a minute first, while his staff and audience of media people waited anxiously. Finally, a staff member whispered to another, something like, “This is a holy matter, that’s why he’s careful. He knows he’s standing on holy ground.” That’s not word-for-word. The idea is that this is some very serious stuff and should not be touched carelessly or frivolously.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 10:27 pm: “The Russian machine is broken! The back of the machine is broken!” … “Zelensky!”
First week of February 2022 (one month ago), I dreamed Ukraine will take great courage and kick Putin out and defeat him.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 7:23 am: “We’re supposed to be engaged here. We’re supposed to be engaged here! We’re doing nothing.”
Friday, Dec. 17, 2021, 8:00 am: I dreamed that the Jan/6 Commission will successfully bring bad actors to justice. The American people will largely yield. A fan was opened and brought some cool air and this page turned.
God shed His Grace on America from the beginning. Amid many ups and downs, He has always rescued and blessed us in countless ways. In spiritual revivals over many scores of years, He has visited us and invested of His Spirit in us in unprecedented ways. In those revivals, remorse for sin and reconciliation between enemies would occur, and a great awakening of conscience would enable the salvation of many souls. I saw leaders of warring armies hug and weep as they humbled themselves before God and ask for mercy. I saw hateful married couples kiss and make up. I saw hating siblings weep and reconcile. I saw Blacks and Whites become newfound friends.
During the spiritual revivals that I saw when I visited churches across America from the 1980’s to the 2000’s, Godly love, kindness, empathy, mercy, grace, and civility were a major theme. Normalness, albeit sometimes feigned and flawed, was mostly the tone of the day. The will of the people was to seek the Lord and do His will.
The tragedy of recent years is the hijacking, kidnapping, holding hostage, of the collective will of the American people. “This is not us,” cried the American people many times. It is true. The real “us” is the one that God has been investing in from the beginning.
If the powerful investment of God historically proved able to loosen sin’s grip on us, then I think this new, greatest revival of God ever, will again cause a divine investment of His love, kindness, empathy, mercy, grace, and civility. Though there have always been skeptics and critics that curse and reject a move from God, and there are some now, it doesn’t change the fact that there is a move of God and there are those that discern it and jump in and enjoy the blessings thereof. Since April 2020, I’ve been alerted to an unprecedented revival that we are on the verge of. Since January 2021 to now, I’m told by the Lord that the revival has begun and will be getting greater.
News reports say we are seeing record numbers of deaths by overdose of illicit drugs and by suicide. Depression and stresses of life seem overwhelming and the future uncertain. When fully involved in the great revivals of the 1990’s—in New England, in Kansas City, and in Toronto—I heard and read about some, both clerics and laity, that testified that they were going to throw in the towel. They can’t take any more of the pressures of life, or of ministry, and they were about to either sign themselves into a psychiatric institution or commit suicide or at least go to drinking and drugs for escape from the pain of this life. But they heard that “God is moving in Toronto;” “God has come to Toronto;” “Heaven has come down in Toronto!” (I, David, agree because of what I saw there in my half dozen visits.)
Many of these made pacts with God. “I’m giving life one last chance, God. I’m going to make the sacrifice and go see what’s all the commotion. You gotta meet me there and fix me or it’s over!” This was the sentiment of many; and they came from many places around the world to a little church near the Toronto Airport, which got about a million visitors in less than a year from the time that God came down, in January 1994. The joy, the laughter, the healings and miracles, and the gifts of the Spirit were daily displayed not only in the church during services, but in the lawn, the parking lot, the hotels and restaurants and surrounding areas and cities until the phenomenon spread to America and many parts of the world. It was often shown in the news in spectacular form. Many reading this will remember, I'm sure.
I said all that to say that God did not disappoint, and many lives were positively transformed and dramatically improved, because God actually did come down in supernatural blessings in unprecedented ways. Dozens of books were written to tell the story of “The Toronto Blessing,” and religious rules and church models were changed forever. We were anointed with Fresh Oil! But God said the greatest revival that this world has ever known is here now, as of January 2021, and that it will be getting greater and better over this decade. So we can expect all of the blessings of the Toronto Blessing, the Pensacola Outpouring, the Smithton Renewal, and any other revivals, and even more. In those revivals, Preachers always said, “The River of God is here! Jump in!” I repeat the sentiment. How to do it? In your mind imagine God’s hand, His heart and will, and jump into it with total abandon. Surrender all. Where else is there to go? Do it now in your own unique way. It’s not a church thing, or a religion thing, or any sort of dogma thing; it’s simply a “You and God” thing. Then, simply approach each day with a refreshed outlook and positive anticipation that “God is blessing us, and me, in marvelous, unprecedented ways.” Refuse to entertain the fickle noise in the air and transcend it with the beautiful move of God in your heart with which you have been invested. He said He is changing us, so let’s let Him do so, from glory to Glory to GLORY. We will be anointed with Fresh Oil! He’s doing it again!
Revival, Science, Vaccine. On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 12:30 am: I dreamed I was in a small group of people that were waiting for the spiritual revival that God had promised in April 2020 (and many times before), and that it was here and about to get better. So a few anointed individuals, including a Pastor that I know for 37 years, began praying and prophesying to some of the individuals in the group, and I felt the Holy Spirit inspiring me to prophesy to the group that "This is just the beginning; it is going to intensify much more real soon." The improvement we are seeing in many areas of life since January 2021 is going to rapidly improve, so get ready! As I have been saying for awhile now, skip the noise (including your own) and jump in because God is pouring out His Spirit with blessings greater than He did in the "Azusa Street," "Toronto Blessing," and any other revivals ever.
Then, a few minutes later, I dreamed I saw a cluster of white balloons floating in the sky, and behind it thick clouds parted and revealed a Heavenly message. The balloons signified a pure and happy spiritual uplift (like we have at birthday parties and other celebrations), and the spiritual message in the sky inside the parted clouds showed a clear image of planet Earth (just like we see in pictures from space shuttles and satellites), and it looked very healthy. Then I heard the word "Science." This made me think that God is trying to tell us that to stay pure and happy and spiritually uplifted and healthy, we, like planet Earth, need to follow science. We are Earth’s inhabitants and representatives, and as the Earth goes, we go.
Several times since last year, God revealed to me that Covid-19 is real, and that we need to get vaccinated against it. Then on Friday, February 20, 2021: Jesus said, "We've got this thing beat." He was referring to the Coronavirus, indicating that the vaccines are efficacious. We don't have the pandemic totally under control but we have the fact that the science has beaten the thing by its efficacy; now all we need to do is stay the course with keeping the safety protocols and administering the vaccines. Since February, we have seen that where it is not under control, it is because of human behavior (the politicization of the conversation), but the Lord said, "We’ve got this thing beat!" Meaning that the science works. In the last week of February 2021, the Lord told me, "Get vaccinated." This, too, confirms the reality of the virus and the efficacy of the vaccine.
Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021, 3:00 am-ish: The Voice of the Lord visited me and said, “Listen up.” A few minutes later, He said (verbatim):
“He held America against her will…”
“He stood up…”
“To the tragedy of us all…”
“‘Pretty boy’—blonde…”
A few minutes later, Jesus had me type the word “special” on a keyboard; He had me change from lower “s” to capital “S” so the word is like this: “Special…” Then He said: “The Latin Race…”
(The ellipses indicate He had more to say but only articulated the above.)
On May 6, 2021, the Lord told me, “I’m changing all the American people.”
For those that rallied with me in the spirit of prayer last year, God is elevating each and every one of us in ways unique to each. We have become able to wipe the sweat from our foreheads (from the 2020 worries) and can exhale and enjoy a cooling temperature. We are still in a heated battle and need to keep a “throw down hard” attitude but a change has begun. We are in a spiritual renewal right now and it will get greater and better. Whenever there has been a paradigm shift occurring of-a-sudden, mental paradigm shifts in our collective psyche also occurred.
Pearl Harbor, 9-11, the pandemic & quarantine of 2020, the attempted coup of J/6, and other overnight shifts in large events changed society’s thinking, assessing and planning. We were traumatized in 2020 but are being changed again, acclimated to new spiritual vistas virtually overnight as God has taken over the world and enabled a season of revival, of feasting and partying, and of the miraculous.
Please discern this time of God’s visitation unto us. In Jesus’ time, many did not discern the time of God’s visitation unto them and, consequently, didn’t enjoy the glorious, grand event. But those that embraced it enjoyed the blessings thereof: those that sat in darkness saw great Light, and the blind saw and the deaf heard and the lepers were cleansed and sinners had the Gospel preached to them. God is here now. Jump in!
In February 2003, the late Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin (a legitimate Prophet), prophesied accurately of a great revival from God that would occur beginning in late 2005. Regarding it, he said that when it is here, people will be able to ask God for virtually anything they wanted and it would be granted, so open the Heavens will be. (The Lord had shown me the same thing in June 2004, without me knowing that Hagin had gotten that from the Lord; and I did indeed enjoy the blessings of the revival of that season.) Well, last year, on April 10, 2020, an angel spoke clearly into my ear supernaturally, these words verbatim: “Can you believe that we are at the End of the Age? Can you believe that we are on the verge of the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of God this world has ever known?”
If the revival of 2005 onward enabled amazing answers to prayers, how much more this revival, which the angel said is the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of God this world has ever known, will enable of God’s blessings and miracles to us both as individual believers, and as a society.
We are in the revival now and it will get greater and better! So what to do? What to do? JUMP IN! Skip the noise that distracts, just jump in and let go and let God………………
Part of this revival will include “brand new stuff” from the Heavens, and it is available to anyone who receives it; from the North, South, East and West, (Luke 13:29), and out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation, (Revelation 5:9). Jesus said, “I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely,” (Revelation 21:6). Here is God’s own heartfelt invitation: “And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely,” (Revelation 22:17).
He said, “I will give, freely.” And He said, “Take, freely.” What more do we need to hear? God is here now. Jump in!
On Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020, 4:50am: I heard a voice say, “Smooth and normal on January 20.” I journaled that but didn’t check to see what it meant; I wasn’t aware of the significance of that date, which was the Presidential Inauguration. I was stressing about that message, so I asked, and He said, “Tranquillo," (which means “peace” in Spanish). Then I forgot about it. Sometime in February or March, I found that journal entry and thought, “Omg! Had I understood the significance of that and published it, it might have comforted those in peril during the insurrection in the nation’s Capitol on January 6, if they believe this Prophet.” I know one thing, if it were me, and a legitimate Prophet assured me that an event (January 20) would be “smooth and normal,” and that I should remain at “peace” during or “before” it (January 6) no matter what (because the Lord spoke that), I would believe and be comforted by that, never mind the seeming terror that contradicts it. The Word of the Lord is powerful and able to save and rescue us from temporal evils, and the Word of the Lord can comfort us even before the evil comes.
On Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, around 10:00 am: I heard the Lord say, "Showtime!" I thought that was referring to the Biden-Harris Confirmation, which was due later that day. When I think about it now, I’m sure He was referring to the insurrection at the Capitol building, which totally shocked me. God was letting me know there was going to be a “show” that day. And boy did they put up a show! Still, I should’ve remembered that January 20 will be "smooth and normal." If I had understood the power of that day, I would have remained at peace on January 6, confident that Biden-Harris will be both confirmed by the Electors, and assured of a smooth and normal transition of power on January 20. Oh well, I’m learning. Politics is not my thing but I can see how prayer and prophecy can help fill in some blanks in political stuff as well as in other life stuff.
Updated Tuesday morning, August 10, 2021:
The day before my 5th birthday, 1961, my sister Ruthie explained to me the significance of birthdays and said, “Tomorrow is your birthday. Today you are 4 but tomorrow you will be 5. When you wake up in the morning you will be 5 years old.” I never forgot that.
My 3 siblings and I all slept in the same room. In a few years’ time, the last, corner room became the “girls’ room” but in ’61 we had bunk beds and Charlie and I slept in one bed and Naomi and Ruthie slept in the other.
So on the next morning, I woke up first and stood up between the both beds and looked out the window because the sun was full and amazingly bright and staring directly at me from above the projects of the Brooklyn skyline. I wasn’t near the window, which had somehow been left open completely so the sun could shine through completely the next morning, but just in the middle of the room staring at the sun in awe as if God Himself was the sun. Imagine that! And I was thinking to myself, “I’m 5 years old. I’m 5 friggin’ years old!” (Something like that.) I thought about waking up one of them to share the experience but they were all so soundly asleep, as if in a trance, so I savored the moment like an initiation toward a friendship with the sun, whoever He may be. As it turns out, the sun is an angel that represents God, and the Shekinah Glory that the Bible talks about is the presence of God that is “brighter than the noonday sun.” Whenever I talk about my supernatural experiences, I mention that the visitations of the Shekinah Glory to me have often been like the Apostle Paul’s: “brighter than the noonday sun,” (Acts 26:13). Many times, when sharing that in public with a friend, the actual sun actually comes out fully in view so that I can say, “See, my vision was just like that but even brighter.” Isn’t that amazing? This has happened many times. The first time was on my 5th birthday. Ruthie prepared me.
All of these reports of mine are absolutely true and I really do remember them clearly.
When I was about 10 or 11, the library near us threw out thousands of books to make room for new ones. They said we can take as many as we want and I took a bunch. That may have been my initiation to becoming an avid reader. In Heaven, there are countless more books to read, including all those childhood memories, and including what we have yet to write with our lives, the memories we have yet to create. Yes, we will read what we now write.
Tuesday morning, August 10, 2021:
I was thinking about Hillary Clinton and about how I am a perennial fan that holds her in high esteem. I have always counted precious any communication from God since I was a little boy, so that’s why He is pleased to share more with me, because I always highly honor His Voice. So, given the divine nature of His messages regarding what was to be our Hillary Clinton Presidency, I have always harbored them as precious and always will. Her unwavering stamina comes through when I see her on t.v., and her wise, compelling words do also. Once again, I salute her for who she is and for her courage and contribution to our nation. I can appreciate intellectual dialog and there is much of that on t.v. to enjoy. But the straight arrow that speaks raw truth commands my attention and holds my ear to the screen until they are done, and Hillary is one of those. Thank you.
During Bill’s presidency, I dreamed He liked a few drawings that I was making and gave me a “thumb’s up.” I also dreamed He was watching an Evangelist on t.v. and was enchanted by him. God liked that enchantment with His Servant and that’s partly why He became President. It’s good to become enchanted and acquainted with Him down here before we get up There, and to be liked by Him. I also dreamed I was walking up some stairs with Bill asking how He’s doing as President, and he said, “It is hard.” And I said, “But it helps knowing you are His choice.” That helped me realize he was God’s choice for the hour, and that I should have voted for him. (I was still a bit of a “sheeple” in the ‘90’s. I became wise in spiritual matters sooner than in worldly and political.)
Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 2:30 – 4:30 pm:
I heard the voice of the Lord say, “The President of the United States…” in a tone that was robust and regal-sounding almost like an announcement that we should stand in respect for, and it seemed Joe Biden was doing well. Over the next few minutes, Jesus specifically said,
“As the leadership… so goes the nation.”
“…almost to destruction.” This was only a part of a sentence; I think He was saying that our democracy was, or possibly is, almost to destruction. It is fragile, though our institutions can hold when the righteous are in authority.
“ end the filibuster.” This was also only a part of a sentence, and I’m not sure what He was intending: for or against it.
I saw a vision of many cats (felines/females), some mature, some young, with eagerness and passion, and seeking guidance. Among them was a healthy cat in prime condition, with a rich, plush coat of hair that almost looked like a poodle with round trimmed hair, full, thick, purple-ish/blue-ish, like an award-winning cat that takes first prize. And she was standing proudly on the highest hill. Well, I had to believe it was Kamala Harris, our Vice President of exotic color, who actually is the highest woman on The Hill. To me, this vision affirms her spectacularly, and shows the many women here and around the world that she will lead, and does lead and inspire, motivate, and teach; not just in political things but in much more.
In January 2019, I dreamed Eric Adams was a champion of civil rights with passion, and that he would run for something and win. In June 2021, I worked for the Maya Wiley Mayoral campaign but secretly believed Eric would win the June 22 primary. Why him? Now that we’ve changed lanes and are in a New Day, the first thing that God is addressing to topple is racism in America. (As soon as the quarantine began in 2020, the first thing that the world came together for, because of the murder of George Floyd, is to topple racial injustice.) Eric, being a champion of civil and human rights, is one of God’s passionate firebrands for this New Era.
I saw nothing of Cuomo’s way and consequent resignation today. I wait for the one who is a thousand times worse to be brought to justice, which I did see a few times.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 9:00 am: I just dreamed the Stimulus Checks are coming in just a couple of days, probably by next week. New interpretation: Saturday, November 28, 2020, 8:00am: When this didn't happen, I analyzed the dream more deeply for a month. In it, Trump came out of his office on his way out through another door, guided out by a large, bright female, (possibly the Holy Spirit). First, he started handing out stimulus checks to a lot of individuals. I noticed his inside was dark and empty but I didn't give that much thought in my interpretation; I only thought it meant he no longer has power (because I knew he was going to lose the election in 2 weeks), and I thought that he would do this before exiting. When the stimulus was not given, I could not dismiss the dream, but only re-think the interpretation. Now, I must say the empty inside (his heart and intention), held the key to the interpretation: the look and excitement of providing the checks was an empty promise, a fake move or mirage. The dream had every look and feel of a true revelation so I still believe it was that. The interpretation, lacking the dark empty aspect, was flawed. I should not have published it so quickly. I usually analyze and interpret more carefully and am cautious and slow with telling but with the nation so anxious about the stimulus, I thought God was showing me it was coming so I told it to encourage everyone. Nevertheless, we've crossed the main hurdle, passed the precipice, and changed lanes with the Biden-Harris win. Yay! Happy days are coming here again, and some have already begun to party! As of the announcement of their win, we have seen record sales of champagne and bubbly, and millions have hit the streets a-dancing!
Monday, Sept. 14, 2020: I saw in a dream-vision that Trump lost, and lots of water was used for mopping the streets to clean them anew (it seemed like 80-85% of a long street or avenue with many blocks needed to be cleaned of the dirt caused over the last 4 years).
A week later, Sept. 20 or 21: I saw again a great washing of America by water; a great mopping of a large area was done again, with Biden overseeing.
Thursday, September 24, 2020, 10:00 am: The Lord told me, "Your crying worked." I had done a lot of weeping in prayer all year long, more than ever, asking God to save our democracy and help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win the Election.
Friday morning, September 25, 2020, 10:00 am: I saw that either on Election Day, or immediately before it, or immediately after it, it was clear that Joe Biden won. The announcement was incontrovertible, and the end of a dark page in American history was turned. And there was no civil war.
Sunday, Sept 27, 2020: 2:20 am: Vision of many children weeping because a ship that was going up fell from the sky and "20" children died; the children of this year (the generation from this year on) died because of the Barrett pick. The children of 2017 and '18 and '19, and many others, including adults, were weeping and lamenting the death of '20. What he has done on Saturday (the previous day) is murderous, and the consequences are devastating. It will be at a terrible cost. The next generation will suffer much. It must be stopped if at all possible. Someone I knew couldn't see or understand this and I just couldn't talk to them, so unaware they were, and unwilling to understand and to wake up. The children touched my head and told me to stop crying. I got up and left to finish my work, but they stayed sitting sadly, knowing they will have to endure a dark cloud as a heavy burden in their lives. The boys had crew-cuts/ nearly-shaved heads, which means mourning, devastation, and judgment, (in the Bible). The girls had long hair and long, conservative-looking dresses, which traditionally means strict religious lifestyles. The implication is more dogmatism and less freedom. It must be stopped if at all possible.
Monday morning, Sept. 28, 2020: I saw a vision of smoke billowing as from a large building that had been burning; the fire had been extinguished. Just moments later, I heard the Lord say, "I'm fed up."
Tuesday morning, Sept. 29, 2020: I dreamed that a long time ago, someone lost their campaign for a political office, and it was puzzling because they actually should have won, being popular and being God's choice for the post. But the Lord said that they lost because a spiritual component to the campaign--a heartfelt experience with the Lord of some kind--was lacking. If the deciding factor is a confluence of several factors, the spiritual connection with the Lord could have tipped the outcome in his favor. Just because something is God's will, doesn't mean it's going to happen; things still have to line up satisfactorily to connect the dots in favor of.
Tuesday evening, Sept. 29, 2020: I tried watching the debate but couldn't take the torture after 8 minutes so I turned it off and went to praying in tongues. Within minutes, I saw a vision of several individuals appearing, one right after another, with devilish masks and dark robes.
Thursday morning, Oct. 1, 2020: I dreamed of a trajectory toward a goal, like a bright page in a book turning to the next bright page, and to the next bright page, then the next page is totally dark as if something abruptly occurred to challenge all the brightness. (Psalms 2:1-5). (Psalms 7:14-16).
It seems that even though something may look good and bright, it can easily be stopped in its tracks if it's not pleasing to the Lord.
October 6, 2020, 2:00 am: The Lord just reminded me of what He told me about 5 years ago: "I'm going to bring America to her knees." It reminded me of a 1995 prophecy given by a Pastor while he was in a trance in front of thousands, in which the Lord said: "I am doing a work. It shall shake the nation. It shall turn it upside down. It shall shake it--real good. And it shall turn it right side up again. And the glory of the end shall not be compared to the glory of the beginning. So sit back and watch. It's going to happen whether you believe it or not."
We are right now seeing, experiencing, God's humbling of us. Some are stubbornly resisting and proudly denying it, no matter the judgments of God among us. That will force Him to apply more pressure until we finally bow and tap out. Eventually, enough will grow a conscience and finally say, "Okay, Lord. Not my will but Yours be done." Then we can move forward. But it may take more deaths. Imagine if a hundred more are infected as a direct result of contact with Trump, and imagine that a few dozen of them die over the next few weeks. Consider that lamentable hypothetical for a second. Might that be the game changer? McEnany, Christie, McConnell, Ivanka, Franklin, that nominee, that senator, that leader, that son, that daughter, that grandchild; imagine they die before Christmas because of the Coronavirus. Will that cause people to bow their knees and cry out to God to save us from the demonic entity? No? Okay so then what should God do? So if the thousands that we hear about dying are mostly unknown to us--just numbers mentioned on t.v.--what if more popular persons die: this actor, that actress, this singer, that t.v. show host, this beloved celebrity, that beloved celebrity, and what if every week we hear dramatic reports of more and more people, famous or not, dying because of the Coronavirus, until the U.S. sees 1,000,000 deaths and by 2022 another 2-3,000,000 deaths. There will be wailing in the streets, no work for comedians, unappeasable dirges, and a further collapse of social norms. All because of an elitist ideal? What will it take to humble us? Shall we continue on as if we are all immune and the thing is already going away while it keeps on killing us, or shall we humble ourselves right now with a renewed sense of conscience and responsibility before it gets that bad?
For many, it already is that bad, and too late. It is up to us to awaken to conscience and yield to the sobering reality that it's time to stop the madness before it kills more. The Lord sure wasn't speaking figuratively when He told me in October 2019: "The White House is destroyed." And He sure wasn't kidding when He showed me a vision, in July 2020, of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. crumbling and burning. But He also wasn't lying when He showed me, last week, thick billowing smoke indicating a large place just had a fire extinguished, indicating that the destruction is soon coming to an end; He said He is "Fed up" and is stepping in to save us. Now with Biden and Harris at the helm, I'm sure He will turn things around, turn this nation right side up again shortly, and bring peace and gladness once again. During the years of the Obama Administration, I was able to enjoy the old song, "Happy Days Are Here Again." It's been collecting dust for 4 years but I have dusted it off and I've been enjoying it all over again. There will be showers of blessings and there will be happy days here again.
Sunday, November 15, 2020: The Lord said, "He didn't belong there." Obviously, this means Trump didn't belong there at all, from the beginning. He has shown me this since Spring 2016; and He has shown me Hillary Clinton was His choice since May 2014.
Monday morning, November 16, 2020: In a trance, I see many views of America while a man in Heaven (and others with him) sing repeatedly together with me, "God bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with a light from Above. From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans, white with foam. God bless America, my home sweet home. God bless America, my home sweet home." We all repeated this in unison at least half a dozen times. I was able to think clearly and try to determine whether it was an angel or human man singing, and he paused, cleared his throat ("ahem-ahem"), and seemed to be drinking from a cup in his hand, just like a human would. So I concluded that it was a man in Heaven (not an angel), probably one of our forefathers or a representation of our collective forefathers and patriarchs. The views were like what I have seen in my many travels across America by planes, trains, cars, and Greyhound buses--and included majestic mountains, luscious fields and prairies, lively rivers and ocean waters crashing with white foam as we sang of them.
Sunday, January 24, 2021, 3:00 pm:
My writings rallied us, united and focused us on the promise that God has our back to save our democracy. We gathered in unison in prayer, in the spirit, and believed we had His support and His victory as we held together in faith as one unit in His Name. We held our Bibles and crosses and ran to the battle with unflinching stamina and an all-or-nothing attitude. We threw down hard! And look what happened. We did it! He did it! We saved the nation that God gave us and the world that God so loved that He gave His only begotten Son for. The Heavens rejoice and await a feast with rewards eternal. Myriads entering. Oh, when the saints go marching in I'm gonna be in that number. Joy unspeakable and full of Glory! Angels and saints There and here aware the work wrought, the battle fought. Treasures of gladness forever ours. Every day is beautiful. Top o' the morning to ya!
Thursday, February 11, 2021: The gift of CONSCIENCE:
There are many "gifts of the Holy Spirit" that God can impart to us, anoint us with, not just the supernatural, more spectacular ones like the gifts of healings, the working of miracles, or speaking with other tongues and prophesying. In recent years I have come to maintain that "having a conscience" and "having discernment" are the two most important gifts, especially CONSCIENCE. With it, we can be human and humane in our actions and decisions. How to get it? "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge," (Proverbs 1:7). Sincere asking of God a pure heart and honest approach to everything--bounce everything off Him, asking for His way, His will--is the way. With discernment, we will know what's up; with a conscience, we will do the right thing.
Proverbs 2:1 My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee;
Proverbs 2:2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;
Proverbs 2:3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;
Proverbs 2:4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;
Proverbs 2:5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:7 He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.
Proverbs 2:8 He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints.
Proverbs 2:9 Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.
Proverbs 2:10 When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul;
Proverbs 2:11 Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee.
a blast from the past...
Posted late October 2008, a week before the Presidential Election of Nov. 2008. (These videos were removed by YouTube in early 2009, so I re-posted them on May 13, 2009): 
God for Obama: part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Sept. 8, 2009: The Glory of God on Obama The Glory of God on America
Sept. 4, 2012: God for Obama again 2012
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